Comes out of the closet
3 years of radio silence
Then he releases an album full of songs with mysterious lyrics about nothing pandering to straight men and women instead of addressing his sexuality
an "lgbt icon"
onedeep the #1 frank hater on this site, gotta respect it
wouldn't be who i am today without channel orange and blonde
Yes. If any straight artist released an R&B album that had as few references to women as Blonde does men, people would start questioning their sexuality. He was scared of offending straight people and losing their sales so he kept it to a few lines/skits and filled the rest of the album with evocative gibberish to distract them. Money is more important to him than integrity. That's why he's quit music entirely to sell $1 million dollar platinum a*** beads and scam his fans
what do you think of channel orange brother?
what do you think of channel orange brother?
Good album, he busted his load early
Good album, he busted his load early
pause jk lol. had a feeling you liked that one better. i for one rarely revisit blonde, im way more partial to endless but channel orange to me is his most significant work and it’s a toss up between those two for my favorites
it is curious why bro doesn’t really put out music anymore though. i do feel like it’s plausible/easiest to say he just wants to make that jewelry money but he kinda doesn’t seem to do much with homer either. i feel like it’s probably a mixture of potentially a lot of things from depression to the current state of the music industry to him being an addict which i strongly have suspected pretty much since forever. the whole “drop some IG story snippets then post merch on the website just in time for christmas then dip” s*** screamed “im a fiend and need a reup” ngl
Endless gave my uncle the courage to come out and Blonde gave me the courage to marry him.
Anyway I wrote an essay on Seigfried it's a very important song to me
It has so many layers might be my favorite song ever
You dream of walls that hold us imprisoned
Its just a skull, least thats what they call it
And were free to roam
pause jk lol. had a feeling you liked that one better. i for one rarely revisit blonde, im way more partial to endless but channel orange to me is his most significant work and it’s a toss up between those two for my favorites
it is curious why bro doesn’t really put out music anymore though. i do feel like it’s plausible/easiest to say he just wants to make that jewelry money but he kinda doesn’t seem to do much with homer either. i feel like it’s probably a mixture of potentially a lot of things from depression to the current state of the music industry to him being an addict which i strongly have suspected pretty much since forever. the whole “drop some IG story snippets then post merch on the website just in time for christmas then dip” s*** screamed “im a fiend and need a reup” ngl
Frank being an addict is crazy but its really his fault for moving like one
Siegfried the greatest song of all time
Song perfectly expresses what it’s like to be haunted by happier times
Album makes me wanna risk getting schizophrenia and try shrooms and acid
I remember being on a shroom trip and when I came off it.. news hit that Blonde was going to come out..
It was one of the best days and moments.
Now if I listened to it on shrooms and acid I’d prolly break down.
I have it tatted on me too, album means the world to me
Siegfried the greatest song of all time
Song perfectly expresses what it’s like to be haunted by happier times
Siegfried the greatest song of all time
Song perfectly expresses what it’s like to be haunted by happier times
I haven't listened to that song in years, trying to go back to the first time I heard it
I haven't listened to that song in years, trying to go back to the first time I heard it
It’s not for the weak