  • Aug 23, 2024
    Gay Ave Stan

    Yes. If any straight artist released an R&B album that had as few references to women as Blonde does men, people would start questioning their sexuality. He was scared of offending straight people and losing their sales so he kept it to a few lines/skits and filled the rest of the album with evocative gibberish to distract them. Money is more important to him than integrity. That's why he's quit music entirely to sell $1 million dollar platinum a*** beads and scam his fans

    He sings about love, you trolling dummy lol

    I believe that marriage isn't,
    Between a man and woman, but between love and love

  • Aug 23, 2024
    Palestinian Oozi

    “Futura Free” is so slept on to me. I think it foreshadows a lot while also being reflective in terms of his career approach and accomplishments.

    Great album. What a time!

    How far is a light year?

  • Aug 23, 2024

    basically retiring off this is a boss move

  • Aug 23, 2024

    There hasn't been album that has dropped since this that has been better... right?
