They were gonna get Price On My Head too until they f***ed up their relationship with XO.
They were gonna get Price On My Head too until they f***ed up their relationship with XO.
! of the worst song in modern history. If Weaknd and nav could stop making music- matter of fact if we could go back 2008 where nobody knew where Canada was on the map that would be nice
One of the worst song in modern history. If Weaknd and nav could stop making music- matter of fact if we could go back 2008 where nobody knew where Canada was on the map that would be nice
Song is fire
88 glam first album better than any album that came out of Toronto
it was really good, a shame they never blew up like that
Rumors are that’s why they stopped promoting them in the first place. Type Derek wise human trafficking and it you will see it
XO full of human traffickers so doubt it
Damn they got @op
Weeknd on It’s A Flex would have been so good, perfect fit
Really sad what happened to these guys, they made good basic music
"weeknd and xo dont want to associate with s***traffickers"
*meanwhile 88glam, weeknd, nav all appear in baka's song, an individual who spent 13 years in prison for s***trafficking"
Bro is mad he didn’t blow up lol
He said “i’m actually a creative genius” stfu second I heard that closed that video
they sounded like every soundcloud rapper at that time and he calls himself a creative genius lmao
The Toronto accent disgusting but y’all ain’t Finna deny what this man saying
Drake might somehow be the toughest sounded nigga put that s***hole
Wtf did I just listen to
Bro is mad he didn’t blow up lol
He said “i’m actually a creative genius” stfu second I heard that closed that video
He going on about being a creative genius "I'll be back" yeah he knows he fell off
Where is @op BigTobacco was banned in the same thread OP was and he's been back for a while
Where is @op BigTobacco was banned in the same thread OP was and he's been back for a while