  • Updated Jan 18, 2021

    He literally said this and pulled out a this paper/summary. I actually dont believe this, as i think this is just another whitewashing to potray another Black Leader as evil and bad (like they did with Malcolm) but could someone elaborate to this topic.


    Mandela WAS a terrorist and war criminal responsible for a great many murders and civilian deaths.

    The extended answer is he was a leader of the ANC and formed its military wing called uMkhonto we Sizwe (means Spear of the Nation) or MK for short. The objective of the MK was to overthrow the Apartheid regime by force and by killing of civilians in a terrorist style campaign.
    Nelson’s planned campaign was to sabotage strategic state infrastructure (electric lines, rail lines etc) and to escalate into terrorist civilian bombing operations much like the IRA bombing in Northern Ireland. Civilians were the primary targets and then softer military/civilian admin targets. For eg station bombs, railway carriage bombs, shopping malls, restaurants, bars, discos, sports stadiums, post offices, law courts, schools, land mining farm roads, car bombs in crowded streets etc.
    Nelson Mandela had amassed huge quantities of explosives, explosive devices such as limpid and land mines and hand grenades as well as weapons such as AK47’s. He had solicit military aid from the Soviet Union and Soviet Union backed countries and had sent “freedom fighters” to be trained in terrorist warfare.
    Contrary to popular misconception Nelson Mandela was never sentenced for his political and anti apartheid beliefs… but for planned insurrection against the state, treason, sabotage and possession of illegal explosives with intent to harm and kill. These charges carried the death sentence at the time, but the presiding judge at the Rivonia Trial (1963/4) commuted this to a life sentence in prison, instead of execution.
    While Mandela was in prison, as the MK regained strength, his planned terrorist campaign (under his secret instructions/agreement) was put into effect and many civilians were killed. It must be noted that any leader who encourages and commands its militant members to kill unarmed non-combatant civilians, is guilty of war crimes even if not personally involved in the killings. For eg. if a bomb is placed by a clandestine militant organization in a shopping mall where the intention is to indiscriminately kill innocent (non combatant) civilians, women and children then this is a crime and is in effect murder and the commander or leader even if not actually planting the bombs is also guilty of murder. If a bomb or hand grenade was thrown into a police station or military barrack, then this would also be deemed as terrorist activity but not necessarily a war crime. Killing or encouraging killing of one’s own citizens to coerce loyalty… like “necklacing” as a weapon of terror against civilians is murder.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply

    This guy a friend of yours?

  • Jan 18, 2021

    This guy a friend of yours?

    nahh i know him from college

  • Jan 18, 2021

    first time i hear about this. Might do some research later but i dont think this is true lol

  • Jan 18, 2021
    2 replies

    Yeah if my memory from history is correct, Mandela wasn't really the peaceful MLK, ghandi figure that the U.S portray him as.

  • Jan 18, 2021
    3 replies
    Oblivion X

    Yeah if my memory from history is correct, Mandela wasn't really the peaceful MLK, ghandi figure that the U.S portray him as.

    hmm intresting.

    I mean Ghandi himself was a big time racist and alledgely a rapist, who thought that women who were raped, werent even humans

    some shady s***

  • Jan 18, 2021
    Super Mario

    hmm intresting.

    I mean Ghandi himself was a big time racist and alledgely a rapist, who thought that women who were raped, werent even humans

    some shady s***

    Yeah honestly the way that the u.s portrays these figures and boasts their peaceful views while ignoring their radical and at times violent views or just violent protesters is always funny to me

  • Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Oblivion X

    Yeah if my memory from history is correct, Mandela wasn't really the peaceful MLK, ghandi figure that the U.S portray him as.

    And so what? Do you know how Europeans were acting towards Africans and continue to act?

    Blood for blood

  • Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean the extent is debatable because of propaganda by the Apartheid government but yall really didn't hear anything about this? Part of what makes his story so great, he was like a Malcolm X figure who saw violence against the system as a necessity but advocated peace once he emerged from prison.

    Also while I'm here, please stop pronouncing it "Apart-hide", say it like "Apart-hate". Much closer to the way its meant to be said

  • Jan 18, 2021
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    And so what? Do you know how Europeans were acting towards Africans and continue to act?

    Blood for blood

    I didnt say there was anything wrong with him being radical

  • Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply

    If he was a terrorist he might have been the only justified terrorist in human history then 🤷🏾

  • Jan 18, 2021

    If he was a terrorist he might have been the only justified terrorist in human history then 🤷🏾

    This is not true. There have been more justified 'terrorists'. Others call them 'freedom fighters'. The definition is really a problem, even in papers. The thing is: killing innocents is never a good thing, on whatever side you fight on

  • Jan 18, 2021
    3 replies

    Nah wait, if you didn't know this what do you think he went to jail for? You think the Apartheid government just threw him in jail and kept him there for 27 years for no reason?

  • Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply

    I mean, he did use terror tactics early in his life

  • Jan 18, 2021
    Super Mario

    hmm intresting.

    I mean Ghandi himself was a big time racist and alledgely a rapist, who thought that women who were raped, werent even humans

    some shady s***

    gandhi wasn’t a rapist but he was for sure creepy as f***, but of course white people are gonna white wash great people like Mandela, as they didn’t have to live in the situation that he did l, and think “peaceful” protests are the solutions for everything

  • Jan 18, 2021
    2 replies

    “Fight against us peacefully otherwise you’re a terrorist”

  • Jan 18, 2021
    BlueChew Sean

    Nah wait, if you didn't know this what do you think he went to jail for? You think the Apartheid government just threw him in jail and kept him there for 27 years for no reason?

    i just never knew he killed (tried to kill) civilians

    I can guarantee you most people dont know

  • Jan 18, 2021
    1 reply

    tell him he’s a honkey and his ancestors were also colonizers + his country performed the most famous genocide of all time

  • Jan 18, 2021
    3 replies

    i wonder what most people do when they found out how che guevara was a full racist.

    Gandhi and him would have been blood brothers in a way

  • Jan 18, 2021

    “Fight against us peacefully otherwise you’re a terrorist”

    those crackers didn’t play by ANY rules creating apartheid for people living in their own damn country but we supposed to make it easy for them

  • Jan 18, 2021

    I mean, he did use terror tactics early in his life