It’s funny because the west looks at African countries through this lense and pick out the worst of the worst. It’s propaganda
I could pull up pictures of skid row or some s***hole trailer park in Mississippi or Alabama and use that as representation of the United States, just like they pull up pictures of poverty and try to use that as a representation of the whole continent.
Africa got 54 countries and it’s huge. Can’t look at it through the European lense.
A lot of white Eastern European countries are s***holes too notice how they’re never brought up
Theres a reason why western europeans like Churchill, Hitler etc hated slavs (east europeans)
Eastern europeans were always viewed as inferior, but still higher than native americans, black and asian people
Nah wait, if you didn't know this what do you think he went to jail for? You think the Apartheid government just threw him in jail and kept him there for 27 years for no reason?
This is how the American school system tells it
I got reported for supporting (owning a patch) the Black Panthers, because "They're the black version of the KKK, a racist hate group and they killed white people".
Can't be a black person and fight for anything in a lot of white peoples eyes.
That’s the thing a lot of people don’t realize.
European colonization in Africa didn’t end until the 1960s and their racist policy in South Africa didn’t end until the 1990s, and of course just because apartheid ended that doesn’t mean the effects were over, it’s still being felt today.
Africa as a continent has only been free for 60 or so years. If you look at where we are at compared to before and actually take the nuance into it a lot of countries are doing damn good
Compare that to some European countries who were s*** holes for hundreds of years and went back to being s*** now...Africa is doing great
I never realized the true extent of colonization until I did a college course in 2018. The colonizers intentionally caused a division between the leaders of tribes and the people, by putting who they could manipulate in leadership positions. We still see the effects today - I always wondered why so many African elections are carried out improperly with opposition being jailed and voters being killed. If you give someone who lived in poverty their whole lives (also an effect of colonization) a taste of power and wealth, they'll hold on to it by any means. The original colonizers may have died, but their goals live on.
And yeah, I don't think the effects of Apartheid will go away during my lifetime. Mandela and others were noble in their intentions, but that's an awfully massive thing to just sweep under the rug. And white people don't help with their "You're still going on about that? That was 30 years ago, we need to move on and forget about race
" attitude. Things are still tense af in this country, feels like things could reach a tipping point anytime and we've had a few clashes over the past few years where race lowkey played a role.
I mean the extent is debatable because of propaganda by the Apartheid government but yall really didn't hear anything about this? Part of what makes his story so great, he was like a Malcolm X figure who saw violence against the system as a necessity but advocated peace once he emerged from prison.
Also while I'm here, please stop pronouncing it "Apart-hide", say it like "Apart-hate". Much closer to the way its meant to be said
“Fight against us peacefully otherwise you’re a terrorist”
even when you’re peaceful, they’ll still call it violence
i wonder what most people do when they found out how che guevara was a full racist.
Gandhi and him would have been blood brothers in a way
Che actually grew out of his racism
even when you’re peaceful, they’ll still call it violence
“BLM need to protest peacefully!”
“No no not like Colin kaepernick”
we could say the same about gandhi
His racist comments were from the time he worked in south africa
There's nothing to indicate Ganhi's views changed, pretty sure he even encouraged the caste system in India, dude was a scumbag through and through.
I never realized the true extent of colonization until I did a college course in 2018. The colonizers intentionally caused a division between the leaders of tribes and the people, by putting who they could manipulate in leadership positions. We still see the effects today - I always wondered why so many African elections are carried out improperly with opposition being jailed and voters being killed. If you give someone who lived in poverty their whole lives (also an effect of colonization) a taste of power and wealth, they'll hold on to it by any means. The original colonizers may have died, but their goals live on.
And yeah, I don't think the effects of Apartheid will go away during my lifetime. Mandela and others were noble in their intentions, but that's an awfully massive thing to just sweep under the rug. And white people don't help with their "You're still going on about that? That was 30 years ago, we need to move on and forget about race
" attitude. Things are still tense af in this country, feels like things could reach a tipping point anytime and we've had a few clashes over the past few years where race lowkey played a role.
The English aren't human tbh
U.S Government had him on the terrorist watch lists Until 2008 even while he was president
idk maybe i misread the OP but i thought they were saying that Nelson Mandela is remembered fondly (rightly so), and was wondering if he was “whitewashed” to sound better than he was, when he actually did bad things. i don’t agree with that latter point, obviously
i remember learning nothing but good things about Mandela in school
Well yes, Mandela was responsible for uncessesary civilian deaths through terrorism. Then he got arrested for said murders. Then he served time and didn’t do anything. Then he got out through international pressure. Then de Klerk ended apartheid due to international pressure. Mandela himself was always just a symbol.
Your m8 is tweaking. The response to a history of colonial killings and dispossession should be peaceful? How do you negotiate with the colonisers when they don’t recognise as a human being? How does he forget a history of violence to discredit a liberation movement and to ignore the suffering of South Africans?
If peaceful demonstrations were the method that the colonised would have taken, then all the colonies would have still been colonies today.
Shameful because your mate is just hiding behind his repressed racism under a false pretence
I can vividly remember learning about him dying in prison
yeah the Mandela Effect, crazy s*** lol
he died a free man in 2013 after becoming president
I can vividly remember learning about him dying in prison
You learnt about Steve Biko, and if it's him being assassinated that's Chris Hani
yeah the Mandela Effect, crazy s*** lol
he died a free man in 2013 after becoming president
No, he just learned about a different aniti-apartheid activist
Well yes, Mandela was responsible for uncessesary civilian deaths through terrorism. Then he got arrested for said murders. Then he served time and didn’t do anything. Then he got out through international pressure. Then de Klerk ended apartheid due to international pressure. Mandela himself was always just a symbol.
don't know about the civilian deaths being unnecessary as cruel as that might sound.
What’s wrong with being a terrorist if you’re fight for your rights from a oppressor