Damn. Ex Machina is one of my favorite films ever. Disappointing to see the reactions
Damn. Ex Machina is one of my favorite films ever. Disappointing to see the reactions
I loved it
I definitely need to rewatch it tho because the ending made everything click in perspective
As someone who's lukewarm on Ex Machina and Annihilation I anticipate this being my favorite Garland
three people walked out my theater
Watching it right now and the dude sitting next me to just walked out
Don’t blame him though this s*** is lowkey garbage
As someone who's lukewarm on Ex Machina and Annihilation I anticipate this being my favorite Garland
for mine it was for how disturbing a scene was
what was the scene? (write it in spoilers ofc)
what was the scene? (write it in spoilers ofc)
a man graphically gives birth to another man with his man vagina and that man that came out of the man-vagina gives birth to another man and it keeps happening like two or three more times, very bloody and detailed
no, suspenseful at times and very graphically bloody
The shot in the trailer when the man walked in the distance with horns or some s*** near the trees seemed unsettling as f*** but sadly from the reviews this seems like another one of those "artsy" movies.
a man graphically gives birth to another man with his man vagina and that man that came out of the man-vagina gives birth to another man and it keeps happening like two or three more times, very bloody and detailed