Carti, Kaytranada and Brent are the only somewhat big names in that list
ok maybe huge wasn’t the right word
just read every other post in this thread. It’s not some obscure lineup of artists that no one on ktt listens to especially not in 2021.
ok maybe huge wasn’t the right word
just read every other post in this thread. It’s not some obscure lineup of artists that no one on ktt listens to especially not in 2021.
ask the everyday person who arca is
destroying her from behind while this is playing
And then you wake up
please no one else quote my post to tell me x artist isn’t basic/popular/etc..
y’all clearly know what I was tryna say but y’all just wanna get all specific to be right and difficult
I forgot the best music anyone can link is SoundCloud artists with less than 100 plays on their s***
all my favorite music in her playlists. but if you ask me before this thread id have said addison rae a basic rich white girl. obvs tiktok algorithm music
algorithmcore taste
de riguer I should fashionably hit you with da ruger
no way you had that term casually stashed in the vernacular you couldn’t wait throw that out in conversation like a newly caught shiny Pokémon @sentient_sherm_bag
Hilarious ktt posters take pride in being hipsters
if op didn’t say her taste is better than ktt when it’s all s*** that gets talked about on ktt no one would have said anything
Algos pick the music for her she not special
please no one else quote my post to tell me x artist isn’t basic/popular/etc..
y’all clearly know what I was tryna say but y’all just wanna get all specific to be right and difficult
You forget where you are?