It’s time to accept that Staceys and Chads are generally just better than chronically online weirdos
You can’t gate keep your music taste anymore
imagine clicking that s***. ban tf outta op its time
You forget where you are?
is this not trillsxn?
f*** no wonder everyone so annoying on here
imagine clicking that s***. ban tf outta op its time
Oh she definitely has better taste than you. You're a Cole stan!
yeah i fw her music taste and her body
KTT2 was too busy arguing numbers meanwhile we didn’t understand the growing threat of the white b****es
It’s time to accept that Staceys and Chads are generally just better than chronically online weirdos
You can’t gate keep your music taste anymore
Chronically online weirdos are too busy on Twitter arguing that their pop star is better than someone else’s favourite pop star with excel spreadsheets to get Chad d*** or Stacy p****.
Oh she definitely has better taste than you. You're a Cole stan!
Yours is much better? can't believe im getting lectured by a WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!!!!!!
this is a certain demographic's playlist and that demographic is not the addison rae one
She has the music taste of an arcteryx jacket
Yours is much better? can't believe im getting lectured by a WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!!!!!!
Kendrick Lamar is the greatest rapper of all time
anyways my taste is better than that so i'm okay haha yeah
This is literally your playlist bro
my type ngl
This is literally your playlist bro
no it's not no it's not no it's not no it's not no it's not no it's not no it's not
I didn’t know Addison Rae is a ktt user
Kendrick Lamar is the greatest rapper of all time