I realized my problem with the album is it feels to gimmicky. I was expecting a mature, more focused drake album after dark lane demo tapes but it’s like he did the total opposite. Dldt was my favorite drake project in a while and the leaks sounded like he was moving in the same direction for the album. He has some cool songs on here but the project as a whole isn’t enjoyable and long as s***.
Can say this about most of his recent releases tbh
Basically his projects from Views and on, outside of DLDT
Way 2 Sexy / Girls Want Girls Lesbian bar / Fair Trade beat-switch / Knife Talk being a clear 21 Savage joint
To me, those are the only moments the project veers off into gimmicks, but even so, Way 2 Sexy is insanely catchy, and Travis on Fair Trade transforms the song nicely even if it feels like a slightly superfluous creative decision
Ultimately it's a big-budget pop/rap album, and with that, you need to sometimes play a little on gimmicks and style-over-substance techniques to get the public talking
The slower, less-flashy tracks are amongst there to counterbalance what you've highlighted out - F***ing Fans, TSU, Love All, Race My Mind etc etc.
His music has been better since he started owning his masters imo
DLDT and CLB both shot up to my top 4 drake projects
It’s not gimmicky it’s just like he played into his s***
I realize that it’s still as amazing as first listen
Come with a classic, they come around years later and say it's a sleeper
I realize that it’s still as amazing as first listen
I am glad y'all enjoy it though will be interesting seeing a tour how people process it
Come with a classic, they come around years later and say it's a sleeper
At end of the day it’ll be seen as another miss imo
I’m enjoying the project and think it’s getting better with the little bit of time that has passed. To each it’s own OP but respect your opinion
His non-album projects tend to be more mature, slightly riskier attempts (More Life, DLDT), but when it comes to the actual studio albums? He’s looking to dominate sales