I'm in tech and follow ai pretty closely out of curiosity but man some of the takes I see coming from people in and around ai/tech about art are truly revolting
One of the leading researchers for OAI (who just left) was on a podcast a week or two ago saying all movies made before 1995 are bad, boring, and naive. Said something similar about music too
It is sad so many people working on building tools that will completely change these industries know and care so little about the artistic process
this all comes back to scientific rationalism but no one wants to ever listen to the crazy spiritual guy
something something Baudrillard something something simulacra
something something hyperreal
Dropping this before an election cycle LMAOO
mfw people are actually gonna make that video of hillary clinton eating a baby real
I wish I could be as ignorant as some people itt
A true gift to be that unaware
mfw people are actually gonna make that video of hillary clinton eating a baby real
Q’Anon licking their lips
Niggas terrified of AI is hilarious to me
Who gives a s***
When you live in a 1st world country and don’t have any real problems some people go out of a way to look for them
When you live in a 1st world country and don’t have any real problems some people go out of a way to look for them
This has consequences for everyone in our globalized world lol
Because literally every new form of technology has been used to make our lives substantially worse despite all the convenience they provide
Streaming? Let’s make subscription models so you can’t own anything
Geolocation and cookies? Let’s put you under surveillance to sell your data
AI image generation? We’re going to make p***ography of you
Drones? We’re going to attach guns to them and kill children
All of the things you’ve just listed have improved most people’s lives. Sure every technology has bad side effects, but imagine thinking s*** like streaming and geolocation (GPS) have made lives substantially worse
Only real technology that fits that description imo is social media, which I really don’t see any positives for
No one is trying to have a holier than thou approach to the discussion tho. It’s pointing out real issues that are the cause of the tech. Like smartphones and other computing advancements that came before it
They're not able to see past the right now
We're heading towards a dystopian future
Because these tech bros are boring, soulless people with no taste or social IQ and want to replace all of those important elements of humanity missing within themselves with AI
I'm in tech and follow ai pretty closely out of curiosity but man some of the takes I see coming from people in and around ai/tech about art are truly revolting
One of the leading researchers for OAI (who just left) was on a podcast a week or two ago saying all movies made before 1995 are bad, boring, and naive. Said something similar about music too
It is sad so many people working on building tools that will completely change these industries know and care so little about the artistic process
Well paid tech nerds are rarely cultured ime. At least not in decades
yeah the problem is we live in a capitalist world
Blame that not the tech. But i guess it is a bit chicken and egg
All of the things you’ve just listed have improved most people’s lives. Sure every technology has bad side effects, but imagine thinking s*** like streaming and geolocation (GPS) have made lives substantially worse
Only real technology that fits that description imo is social media, which I really don’t see any positives for
Social media was nice when it was actually social media, now its fully just entertainment, i use to go on and see what my friends and family are doing, now i only see posts by brands and cloutchasers