C3 is literally wayne at his peak creatively, features most of his iconic songs, some of his strongest verses, probably the best beat selection of his career, and its the culmination from all the D2/DD3 success instilled into a fantastic hip-pop album which was both massively influential (as we can see from this gen) and impactful as s*** (it trended on its 10th year anniversary and tributes were made to the album)
C3>C2 easily
people need to understand the difference between favorite and greatest album
theres literally minimal argument for C2 over C3 other than just preferring it
C3 is literally wayne at his peak creatively, features most of his iconic songs, some of his strongest verses, probably the best beat selection of his career, and its the culmination from all the D2/DD3 success instilled into a fantastic hip-pop album which was both massively influential (as we can see from this gen) and impactful as s*** (it trended on its 10th year anniversary and tributes were made to the album)
C3>C2 easily
people need to understand the difference between favorite and greatest album
theres literally minimal argument for C2 over C3 other than just preferring it
C2 takes the cake
C3 is no doubt Wayne’s best in terms of production, but it has some very bad songs. Phone Home, Lollipop, La la are some of the worst songs I’ve heard from him
the signature gets me everytime
Fr my mans rocking a signature like its 2010 again
C2 takes the cake
C3 is no doubt Wayne’s best in terms of production, but it has some very bad songs. Phone Home, Lollipop, La la are some of the worst songs I’ve heard from him
C2 is bloated and too long.
when yall talk about C2 youre literally playing like tha mobb and no other songs from it
if i asked yall on the spot to name me tracks besides tha mobb hustler musik fireman n the intro interlude outro, oh no, and money on my mind tracks i guarantee you you wouldnt be able to give me another track
youd probably jump to shooter
c2 peaks at best rapper alive tbh
naming the tracks i just named made me realize that c2 is really a great album but it is in no way shape or form superior to C3 except maybe technical rapping lol (by a close second)
these C2 stans making me alienate my own goats projects lol
C2 is bloated, and C2 aged better so much that it still hasnt even went platinum again and its 14 years old, C3 literally went platinum last year and this year again, it has much more longevity and apparently according to these streaming metrics much more replayability
this makes me think its just internet nerds that prop up the album and just play contrarian because they dont want to admit C3 Is superior due to it being such a popular album, its stupid
and saying C3 is trash in comparison to the leaks isnt even fair to either albums. moot point.
c2 didnt go multiplatinum because suburban kids didnt follow wayne back then. I don't care about the sales when it comes to wayne and to use white America as an indication for what actually has longevity is laughable. I guess Humble by Kendrick Lamar aged better than Maad City because it sold more lmaooo. C2 aged better. None of the songs on c2 are trash. Phone Home is garbage. Lollipop is garbage. Got Money aged poorly. Mr. Carter and Mrs. Officer aged poorly.
C2 but I'd rather listen to C3
naming the tracks i just named made me realize that c2 is really a great album but it is in no way shape or form superior to C3 except maybe technical rapping lol (by a close second)
these C2 stans making me alienate my own goats projects lol
but yea same i don't hate c2 either but people annoy me when they mention it as their favorite wayne album
c2 didnt go multiplatinum because suburban kids didnt follow wayne back then. I don't care about the sales when it comes to wayne and to use white America as an indication for what actually has longevity is laughable. I guess Humble by Kendrick Lamar aged better than Maad City because it sold more lmaooo. C2 aged better. None of the songs on c2 are trash. Phone Home is garbage. Lollipop is garbage. Got Money aged poorly. Mr. Carter and Mrs. Officer aged poorly.
thats besides the point big bruh lol, youre right than the suburbanites didnt care about wayne at that time, but from the way the album is talked about all across the internet youd think it would go platinum at least one more time removed from its release date and it has not did that lol, no one is listening to that s***
also you cant say you dont care about the sales and then say it aged better, that doesnt make any sense. if it aged better people would still be playing it, and as according to RIAA C3 is obviously the better aged album with more longevity lol
C2 has a bunch of filler tracks
Grown Man is filler
Hit Em Up is filler
Im A Dboy is filler
Get Over is filler
Weezy Baby is filler
Feel Me is filler
not to mention that the production is super inferior to C3 anyways lol
and idk how badly you can say they aged since again the album went 2x platinum and its a decade old lol