but yea same i don't hate c2 either but people annoy me when they mention it as their favorite wayne album
C2 is the album for niggas that dont actually like wayne
C2 is the album for niggas that dont actually like wayne
thats how i feel too tbh
Carter 2
thats besides the point big bruh lol, youre right than the suburbanites didnt care about wayne at that time, but from the way the album is talked about all across the internet youd think it would go platinum at least one more time removed from its release date and it has not did that lol, no one is listening to that s***
also you cant say you dont care about the sales and then say it aged better, that doesnt make any sense. if it aged better people would still be playing it, and as according to RIAA C3 is obviously the better aged album with more longevity lol
C2 has a bunch of filler tracks
Grown Man is filler
Hit Em Up is filler
Im A Dboy is filler
Get Over is filler
Weezy Baby is filler
Feel Me is filler
not to mention that the production is super inferior to C3 anyways lol
and idk how badly you can say they aged since again the album went 2x platinum and its a decade old lol
C2 came out in 2005. Do you know how old people are that were in high school in 2005? I highly doubt those people listen to music like that let alone use streaming services the way others use it. Obviously C3s numbers increased because it was re-certified and still popular during the first half of the decade. I can find numerous examples of albums debunking your claim. Nobody is gonna say Recovery is more popular than SSLP. And yet Recovery "has more longevity" based on your argument. No1 is gonna legitimately say Jay has albums better than RD besides maybe TBP and a number of his albums had more longevity than RD. Illmatic isn't even Nasir's best selling album. Are we gonna say he has better albums due to the sales? Views sold more than NWTS. DMX 3rd album sold more than his first. Wayne was a megastar when C3 dropped. It's going to sell better no matter what because of the work he put in leading to that moment.
I'm saying I don't care about Wayne's sales because Wayne isnt a good example of sales in this situation. There are multiple eras of Wayne and the two you are using are not the same. Wayne was not a megastar when C3 dropped. Hell, he wasn't even a superstar in music. He was just rising to stardom nationally in hip-hop and positioning himself to be the face of hip-hop and eventually, the face of music.
Grown Man is filler? Hit Em Up? Get Over Lmao ur bias.
C2 came out in 2005. Do you know how old people are that were in high school in 2005? I highly doubt those people listen to music like that let alone use streaming services the way others use it. Obviously C3s numbers increased because it was re-certified and still popular during the first half of the decade. I can find numerous examples of albums debunking your claim. Nobody is gonna say Recovery is more popular than SSLP. And yet Recovery "has more longevity" based on your argument. No1 is gonna legitimately say Jay has albums better than RD besides maybe TBP and a number of his albums had more longevity than RD. Illmatic isn't even Nasir's best selling album. Are we gonna say he has better albums due to the sales? Views sold more than NWTS. DMX 3rd album sold more than his first. Wayne was a megastar when C3 dropped. It's going to sell better no matter what because of the work he put in leading to that moment.
I'm saying I don't care about Wayne's sales because Wayne isnt a good example of sales in this situation. There are multiple eras of Wayne and the two you are using are not the same. Wayne was not a megastar when C3 dropped. Hell, he wasn't even a superstar in music. He was just rising to stardom nationally in hip-hop and positioning himself to be the face of hip-hop and eventually, the face of music.
Grown Man is filler? Hit Em Up? Get Over Lmao ur bias.
but whenever we are talking about waynes albums the first thing most of you internet niggas say is ¨C2>C3¨ if there was really this much niggas that preferred C2 i do not see why it would have trouble getting certified again lol. it doesnt make any sense to me. all that does is reaffirm to me that no one outside of street rapper stans and hipsters prefer the album and theyre not even playing it lol
if SSLP got certified again over recovery then theres reason to believe people are still listening to the album, theres no reason not to lol, and idk how Jay-Zs albums being ¨better¨ have to do with anything im talking solely about longevity and what albums are remembered, C3 is waynes best album easily because it has the most influence, most impactful, niggas are still listening to it, and it has his most iconic songs on it, only faux-street niggas parade C2 around like that because they feel alienated from when lollipop dropped and its super corny
youre not understanding what im saying bro lol
you are saying C2 aged better but no one is listening to it. C3 is still being listened to and i can say that confidently because it went platinum again bra lol.
C3 was the main stepping stool for C2, if wayne dies after C2 hes literally a glorified mixtape rapper all of his influence and s*** comes from his C3 era during the time
and yeah theyre filler, they contribute nothing to the album theyre just there, i like most of the songs i listened to personally but theres no reason for them to be there
and hit em up is a lazy ass remix, no reason for it to be there lol
C2 can be your favorite if you want but C3 is literally his greatest album
idk why this is an outlandish claim lol
TBH the only people that put C3 above C2 are young niggas.
I mean yea but any older person can see that C3 was the better more influential and cultural impact album. Only thing about C2 is that Wayne was more lyrical. And it’s not even by a far
same when people say no ceilings is their fav mixtape from wayne with an exception from brother SWQ
C3 was the soundtrack to school but once I listened to c2 I enjoyed it more because I always felt the songs weren’t as commercial. C3 has higher highs but I always come back to c2 for the bars
I mean yea but any older person can see that C3 was the better more influential and cultural impact album. Only thing about C2 is that Wayne was more lyrical. And it’s not even by a far
808s is more influential than mbdtf. You see now this works,?
but whenever we are talking about waynes albums the first thing most of you internet niggas say is ¨C2>C3¨ if there was really this much niggas that preferred C2 i do not see why it would have trouble getting certified again lol. it doesnt make any sense to me. all that does is reaffirm to me that no one outside of street rapper stans and hipsters prefer the album and theyre not even playing it lol
if SSLP got certified again over recovery then theres reason to believe people are still listening to the album, theres no reason not to lol, and idk how Jay-Zs albums being ¨better¨ have to do with anything im talking solely about longevity and what albums are remembered, C3 is waynes best album easily because it has the most influence, most impactful, niggas are still listening to it, and it has his most iconic songs on it, only faux-street niggas parade C2 around like that because they feel alienated from when lollipop dropped and its super corny
youre not understanding what im saying bro lol
you are saying C2 aged better but no one is listening to it. C3 is still being listened to and i can say that confidently because it went platinum again bra lol.
C3 was the main stepping stool for C2, if wayne dies after C2 hes literally a glorified mixtape rapper all of his influence and s*** comes from his C3 era during the time
and yeah theyre filler, they contribute nothing to the album theyre just there, i like most of the songs i listened to personally but theres no reason for them to be there
and hit em up is a lazy ass remix, no reason for it to be there lol
Ur being lazy with your argument
As a better overall project C2 but C3 is so commercially successful that it probably has a wider influence for sure and more importance to the culture
Never thought I'd be agreeing with a Troy Ave stan, but here we are.