  • Jan 21, 2021

    AK stays undefeated

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply


  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Ak first told us the album got pushed back due to injury for the jan 1st thing and the recent update made it seem like a push back or something negative was about to be announced

    🤷🏾‍♂️ obvious he had that convo with drake

    @thegreatdivine 🤷🏾‍♂️

    Damn we in the mud 😭

  • Jan 21, 2021

    must be another single then to hold over the wait

  • Jan 21, 2021
    2 replies

    Where are all the Ak haters at? They gone silent lol.

    But but but @Hypeee said Ak doesn't know anything and that CLB is coming

  • I never understood why people never believed drake has at least a couple times funneled some info to us through AK lol like why be upset about it

  • Jan 21, 2021
    2 replies
    Zack From The Six

    Where are all the Ak haters at? They gone silent lol.

    But but but @Hypeee said Ak doesn't know anything and that CLB is coming

    Ak said what exactly?? Drake is waiting for the competition oh no Drake is trying to find a way to announce it before he gives him the green light to tell the world 😂😂😂 please tell me how the correlates he said that last week. He even said give him a couple days a whole week went by 💀💀

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply
    CriticBait Music

    Ak said what exactly?? Drake is waiting for the competition oh no Drake is trying to find a way to announce it before he gives him the green light to tell the world 😂😂😂 please tell me how the correlates he said that last week. He even said give him a couple days a whole week went by 💀💀

    Nah last week ak said drake gonna announce news soon f*** off mate


    Nah last week ak said drake gonna announce news soon f*** off mate

    That makes him as credible as Shottie 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • Jan 21, 2021
    2 replies

    Lmao I even said Drake was making an announcement today. I must be an insider too

  • Jan 21, 2021
    CriticBait Music

    Lmao I even said Drake was making an announcement today. I must be an insider too

    Dude stfu

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply
    CriticBait Music

    Lmao I even said Drake was making an announcement today. I must be an insider too

    ak is an industry insider with a proven track record and you aren’t, along with the rest of us

  • Jan 21, 2021

    Ak first told us the album got pushed back due to injury for the jan 1st thing and the recent update made it seem like a push back or something negative was about to be announced

    🤷🏾‍♂️ obvious he had that convo with drake

    @thegreatdivine 🤷🏾‍♂️

    Damn we in the mud 😭

    He never said anything definitive so how was he right? He said the announcement would be coming almost a week earlier and that never happened and almost all of us in here had already been saying that with the way Drake was moving, the album would no longer be dropping this month. We didn't need Akademiks to make that prediction for us so how exactly was he right?

  • Jan 21, 2021
    CriticBait Music

    Ak said what exactly?? Drake is waiting for the competition oh no Drake is trying to find a way to announce it before he gives him the green light to tell the world 😂😂😂 please tell me how the correlates he said that last week. He even said give him a couple days a whole week went by 💀💀

    They're such huge fans of Akademiks that they're jumped in here to say "see, he was right! I told you he was right!" lmao.

    You didn't need anyone to tell you that no album was coming this month with the way Drake had been moving.

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply
    Zack From The Six

    Where are all the Ak haters at? They gone silent lol.

    But but but @Hypeee said Ak doesn't know anything and that CLB is coming

    ak more legit than hypeee lol

  • Jan 21, 2021

    Ey, can we talk about how smart Drake was in leaving the new date for the album so open-ended @SinceKumbaya?

    I think it's smart. Now he can finish the album and not have to work with another set release date in mind and everyone else goes back to guessing when exactly he'll drop. I still think an even better move would be for him to drop a single maybe this week or next and then another in a couple of months so the album has some legs but I'm definitely interested in seeing what he does.

    At least, now we know FOR SURE that he isn't dropping this month and people can stop hoping for an album this month.

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    Is this fatass streaming tonight?

  • Jan 21, 2021

    Is this fatass streaming tonight?


  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    ak is an industry insider with a proven track record and you aren’t, along with the rest of us

    Proven Track Record? He reports on smaller artists he’s been more wrong than right

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply
    CriticBait Music

    Proven Track Record? He reports on smaller artists he’s been more wrong than right

    his word holds merit and you niggas are upset about that for whatever reason

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    his word holds merit and you niggas are upset about that for whatever reason

    Merit🤣🤣🤣Dude he posted a fan art he got from this site and said Soon Fwd in March and then posted a fan theory on his page

  • How High

    ak more legit than hypeee lol

    You seem jealous of hypee lol not throwing shade I’m just pointing that out AK isn’t on this thread hypee is . You should be more thankful someone is feeding us anything due to the way drizzy procrastinates during album seasons. Put some respeck with a K on hypee name and freebird I would trust them with my kidney before Ak . So has been right about some stuff but not all ajd a lot of the s*** he reports we either done speculated it or already see it coming . Just because it comes from ak what makes him different . We put blood sweat and tears into this site not punk ass clout chasing ground hog looking land before time ass ak . He ain’t no better than us wouldn’t be surprised if he secretly in here stealing our speculations and getting more clout claiming drake told him .

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply
    CriticBait Music

    Merit🤣🤣🤣Dude he posted a fan art he got from this site and said Soon Fwd in March and then posted a fan theory on his page

    was the first to say drake had an mj feature, he talks with 40, boi1da and drake, and he’s been right about many other artists releases

    people are gonna listen to what he’s gotta say and that makes some of y’all so sick

  • Jan 21, 2021
    1 reply

    was the first to say drake had an mj feature, he talks with 40, boi1da and drake, and he’s been right about many other artists releases

    people are gonna listen to what he’s gotta say and that makes some of y’all so sick

    Actively talks to 40, Drake and 1DA?? LMAO dude AK always says that he holds convos he had from 6 months ago and says he talks with them frequently.
    The MJ feature from a song that leaked in 2015 congrats AK
    Oh my small artist give AK information but let’s forget about all the times he’s been wrong 🤣🤣🤣
    You must be one of his young fans it’s okay there’s others like you
    I could list out all the things AK has been wrong about in just last year