  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    He does get exclusive info. It’s not about them being friends it’s about Ak being a media outlet he has easy direct contact with

    Y’all delusional thinking he just making up speaking to drake 💀 drake sees all this s*** he would check him. Matter fact drake checks his stream and was just on his live tonight

    You can also just tell he has contact now because he stopped all his hate / agenda content on drake lol. He exaggerates and speculated but when he says he spoke to drake he isn’t lying

    Also, everybody got the impression that Drake was pushing back based off Ak statement about drake announcing something and “dealing with it the right way” .

    Again you proved my point I said He has ties with OvO but not on the same level he exaggerates to his fans about.
    Let me give you a little insight before I’m done with this s*** in 2020 when it pertains to Drake Akademiks has:

    • Posted a Fan Art alluding to it being a cover art as well as posting two leaks he got from this site on his page
      -Posted a Fan Theory about Drakes Rollout and then tried to expand on it
    • Claimed to have Known about the Album since August but then speculated for three straight months of a drop

    • As well in August speculated Drake would drop before the grammies cut off day for nomination approval. Even though for the past 5 years Drake has made it clear he doesn’t care about the grammies like he used to.

    • He posted the OBJ video but again claimed to know about Drakes album since August. No one found that strange though. That’s one of the few times Drake used him to spread info.
      -Him and Drake went on live one time and he said what AK told him to say and said “we had a good talk the other day” not “we talk daily”

    • Akademiks said he was going to give an update in a day or two and a whole week passed and there was no update until Drake spoke. Notice how he vaguely said that instead of out right going on his stream like he always does and giving an update. And people weren’t basing that s*** off Ak but the fact Drake didn’t release a single and the s*** happening in January.
    • Claimed/Hoped Lucky Lefty was a throwaway after listening to it for the first time in January even though most people in the industry had it in May. As well as, Drake and The OVO camp have taken actions to secure that track and prevent it from leaking further.
    • Thought Greece was an album track.

    Question: Did he even know LNCL was coming out? Did he know Durk was on the song at least? Did he know about DLDT? The only exclusive information he’s been given is the MJ feature (learned from an outside source) and Jan 1st ( because he posted a vid of OBJ saying it and Drake messaged him saying that was false)

  • Jan 23, 2021
    2 replies
    CriticBait Music

    Again you proved my point I said He has ties with OvO but not on the same level he exaggerates to his fans about.
    Let me give you a little insight before I’m done with this s*** in 2020 when it pertains to Drake Akademiks has:

    • Posted a Fan Art alluding to it being a cover art as well as posting two leaks he got from this site on his page
      -Posted a Fan Theory about Drakes Rollout and then tried to expand on it
    • Claimed to have Known about the Album since August but then speculated for three straight months of a drop

    • As well in August speculated Drake would drop before the grammies cut off day for nomination approval. Even though for the past 5 years Drake has made it clear he doesn’t care about the grammies like he used to.

    • He posted the OBJ video but again claimed to know about Drakes album since August. No one found that strange though. That’s one of the few times Drake used him to spread info.
      -Him and Drake went on live one time and he said what AK told him to say and said “we had a good talk the other day” not “we talk daily”

    • Akademiks said he was going to give an update in a day or two and a whole week passed and there was no update until Drake spoke. Notice how he vaguely said that instead of out right going on his stream like he always does and giving an update. And people weren’t basing that s*** off Ak but the fact Drake didn’t release a single and the s*** happening in January.
    • Claimed/Hoped Lucky Lefty was a throwaway after listening to it for the first time in January even though most people in the industry had it in May. As well as, Drake and The OVO camp have taken actions to secure that track and prevent it from leaking further.
    • Thought Greece was an album track.

    Question: Did he even know LNCL was coming out? Did he know Durk was on the song at least? Did he know about DLDT? The only exclusive information he’s been given is the MJ feature (learned from an outside source) and Jan 1st ( because he posted a vid of OBJ saying it and Drake messaged him saying that was false)

    You’re purposely being stupid and twisting s***. He said that Drake would first give an update not that he would give an update

    He posted a fan art to say drake was coming soon (which he was due to) so? Lol. He obviously wasn’t leaking official drake album cover

    The fact is drake reaches out to him to clear s*** up and manage fan expectation. You gotta have some common sense when filtering the info. Like when he gave that update in the car it was obvious drake was about to announce a push back. He literally said drake knew he could just filter it through Ak but needed a few days to see how he would deal with it (the pus back). Drake Also used Ak to clear up that he was gonna drop Jan 1st but got pushed back because of the injury

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    Why this section always get in shambles over ak info ? like believe or don't believe it and leave it at that ya doing too much

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    You’re purposely being stupid and twisting s***. He said that Drake would first give an update not that he would give an update

    He posted a fan art to say drake was coming soon (which he was due to) so? Lol. He obviously wasn’t leaking official drake album cover

    The fact is drake reaches out to him to clear s*** up and manage fan expectation. You gotta have some common sense when filtering the info. Like when he gave that update in the car it was obvious drake was about to announce a push back. He literally said drake knew he could just filter it through Ak but needed a few days to see how he would deal with it (the pus back). Drake Also used Ak to clear up that he was gonna drop Jan 1st but got pushed back because of the injury

    He posted that fan art in f***ing Jun because he like everyone else thought Drake was dropping a whole album in the summer. there’s a whole thread of you and other Akademiks fanboys acting delusional and believing that s***. And again it shows he is not that much of an insider. If what you say is true it completely contradicts the point of him knowing about Drakes plans, in that same month Drake posted 80% which related to CLB.

    You completely ignored every other AK contradiction because you had no argument for him but want to call me stupid😂😂😂. I even stated how AK vaguely gave an “update” and told people to wait 1 or 2 days. A Week passed and nothing until the only source that matters when it pertains to Drake said something. If you don’t understand what AK was doing in the vid you might be really slow. Again I said Drake used him because AK posted a vid of OBJ saying Jan 1st (my point). For someone who supposedly knew about the album since August he sure has acted in lots of ways that show otherwise. Did he know about LNCL? Durk being on the song? DLDT? Drake doesn’t give out exclusive info to just anyone he’s not starting with a nigga he just started liking this year.

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply
    CriticBait Music

    He posted that fan art in f***ing Jun because he like everyone else thought Drake was dropping a whole album in the summer. there’s a whole thread of you and other Akademiks fanboys acting delusional and believing that s***. And again it shows he is not that much of an insider. If what you say is true it completely contradicts the point of him knowing about Drakes plans, in that same month Drake posted 80% which related to CLB.

    You completely ignored every other AK contradiction because you had no argument for him but want to call me stupid😂😂😂. I even stated how AK vaguely gave an “update” and told people to wait 1 or 2 days. A Week passed and nothing until the only source that matters when it pertains to Drake said something. If you don’t understand what AK was doing in the vid you might be really slow. Again I said Drake used him because AK posted a vid of OBJ saying Jan 1st (my point). For someone who supposedly knew about the album since August he sure has acted in lots of ways that show otherwise. Did he know about LNCL? Durk being on the song? DLDT? Drake doesn’t give out exclusive info to just anyone he’s not starting with a nigga he just started liking this year.

    You’re still ignoring the fact that he said an update was coming from DRAKE was coming imminently. Go to the thread and based on what Ak was saying everybody was saying “it look like drake is about to announce a push back”. Then that happened

    Y’all are delusional if you think he’s just making up speaking to drake. Why even enter the Ak threads if you think that’s the case. A waste of your time

    At the end of the day nobody can force you to listen to Ak or believe he has contact with drake (although it’s obvious he does) but y’all waste your time trying to police these threads and somehow pay attention to every update he gives.


    If he could pull CLB together for Valentine's Day weekend

    not again

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    still believing akademiks in 2021?

    I mean he was right on the money when he got WLR release date

  • Jan 23, 2021
    14 replies

    @SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?

    Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.

    I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:

    • He isn't the Drake source YOU claim he is because he's posted too many stupid fan theories and done too many fake clout chasing s*** to be.
    • He exaggerates his relationship with Drake to validate the things he says he gets from Drake so people like YOU believe him when he says he got info from him. This man claims that Drake "hit him up" every other day on his Twitch stream and if you really believe Drake is hitting up Akademiks multiple times a week (since that seems to be how frequently his threads pop up in here) telling him details of when he will release music and saying that s*** to ONLY Akademiks when he could be telling his whole fanbase that, you are very stupid. Sorry.
    • You are so desperate for information on when Drake's album/new Drake music will be dropping that despite getting an update from Drake himself only a few days ago, you're biting on what Akademiks is saying about the new timeline for when the album will drop. When will y'all learn than none of these niggas know anything about Drake's moves? Notice how all the celebs/verified accounts who had the most to say about Drake definitely dropping in January have gone quiet since he posted that he wasn't? Akademiks magically couldn't say anything about what announcement Drake would make or that the album would be pushed back but right after Drake announces that it won't be dropping in January, he magically gets a new update saying it'll be dropping in February-April because "Drake hit him up and told him so." If at this point you don't have the common sense to notice his patterns and how he tends to word things to make it seem like he knows what he's saying when he really doesn't, then that's on you. Just don't get mad when people call him out for being a clout chaser or get angry that other people don't believe the things he says. Akademiks isn't the only "media outlet" that talks to Drake or has asked him about his album/when it's dropping, yet he's the only one who has gone out of his way to position himself as an exclusive source like Drake appointed him to be that.

    Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves

  • Jan 23, 2021

    He better not drop on the 12th or I'll tell Canadian CPS about Baka

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    @thegreatdivine bro please seek help wtf

    Does this guy have loved ones in his life??

  • Jan 23, 2021
    5 replies

    Mfs are writing essays over akademiks in here

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    @thegreatdivine bro please seek help wtf

    Does this guy have loved ones in his life??

    I'm not a "bro"

  • Foundation

    Mfs are writing essays over akademiks in here

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Said it for months now. Going into Valentine’s Day weekend.

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    You’re purposely being stupid and twisting s***. He said that Drake would first give an update not that he would give an update

    He posted a fan art to say drake was coming soon (which he was due to) so? Lol. He obviously wasn’t leaking official drake album cover

    The fact is drake reaches out to him to clear s*** up and manage fan expectation. You gotta have some common sense when filtering the info. Like when he gave that update in the car it was obvious drake was about to announce a push back. He literally said drake knew he could just filter it through Ak but needed a few days to see how he would deal with it (the pus back). Drake Also used Ak to clear up that he was gonna drop Jan 1st but got pushed back because of the injury

    Don't waste time on this idiot. Either he's trolling or extremely stupid. Probably both. He even got me thinking he on AKs payroll because at the end of the discussion it always gets proven AK is legit.

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    @SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?

    Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.

    I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:

    • He isn't the Drake source YOU claim he is because he's posted too many stupid fan theories and done too many fake clout chasing s*** to be.
    • He exaggerates his relationship with Drake to validate the things he says he gets from Drake so people like YOU believe him when he says he got info from him. This man claims that Drake "hit him up" every other day on his Twitch stream and if you really believe Drake is hitting up Akademiks multiple times a week (since that seems to be how frequently his threads pop up in here) telling him details of when he will release music and saying that s*** to ONLY Akademiks when he could be telling his whole fanbase that, you are very stupid. Sorry.
    • You are so desperate for information on when Drake's album/new Drake music will be dropping that despite getting an update from Drake himself only a few days ago, you're biting on what Akademiks is saying about the new timeline for when the album will drop. When will y'all learn than none of these niggas know anything about Drake's moves? Notice how all the celebs/verified accounts who had the most to say about Drake definitely dropping in January have gone quiet since he posted that he wasn't? Akademiks magically couldn't say anything about what announcement Drake would make or that the album would be pushed back but right after Drake announces that it won't be dropping in January, he magically gets a new update saying it'll be dropping in February-April because "Drake hit him up and told him so." If at this point you don't have the common sense to notice his patterns and how he tends to word things to make it seem like he knows what he's saying when he really doesn't, then that's on you. Just don't get mad when people call him out for being a clout chaser or get angry that other people don't believe the things he says. Akademiks isn't the only "media outlet" that talks to Drake or has asked him about his album/when it's dropping, yet he's the only one who has gone out of his way to position himself as an exclusive source like Drake appointed him to be that.

    Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves

    this b**** man wtf go write a book or something

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Yeah I think Feb will be likeliest. (Also, hoping Feb will be likeliest haha)

  • DirtyTrees

    this b**** man wtf go write a book or something

    F*** you, hoe.

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply
    · edited

    @SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?

    Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.

    I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:

    • He isn't the Drake source YOU claim he is because he's posted too many stupid fan theories and done too many fake clout chasing s*** to be.
    • He exaggerates his relationship with Drake to validate the things he says he gets from Drake so people like YOU believe him when he says he got info from him. This man claims that Drake "hit him up" every other day on his Twitch stream and if you really believe Drake is hitting up Akademiks multiple times a week (since that seems to be how frequently his threads pop up in here) telling him details of when he will release music and saying that s*** to ONLY Akademiks when he could be telling his whole fanbase that, you are very stupid. Sorry.
    • You are so desperate for information on when Drake's album/new Drake music will be dropping that despite getting an update from Drake himself only a few days ago, you're biting on what Akademiks is saying about the new timeline for when the album will drop. When will y'all learn than none of these niggas know anything about Drake's moves? Notice how all the celebs/verified accounts who had the most to say about Drake definitely dropping in January have gone quiet since he posted that he wasn't? Akademiks magically couldn't say anything about what announcement Drake would make or that the album would be pushed back but right after Drake announces that it won't be dropping in January, he magically gets a new update saying it'll be dropping in February-April because "Drake hit him up and told him so." If at this point you don't have the common sense to notice his patterns and how he tends to word things to make it seem like he knows what he's saying when he really doesn't, then that's on you. Just don't get mad when people call him out for being a clout chaser or get angry that other people don't believe the things he says. Akademiks isn't the only "media outlet" that talks to Drake or has asked him about his album/when it's dropping, yet he's the only one who has gone out of his way to position himself as an exclusive source like Drake appointed him to be that.

    Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves

    feel like you coulda wrote this s*** in about 1000 less words

  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    fellers down bad writing russian novel length posts about akademiks legitimacy


  • Jan 23, 2021
    1 reply

    fellers down bad writing russian novel length posts about akademiks legitimacy


    Nigga your name is aggressive as f***

  • Husherman

    Nigga your name is aggressive as f***

    all the anger in side of me .

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Mfs are writing essays over akademiks in here

  • lg

    feel like you coulda wrote this s*** in about 1000 less words

    Probably. Just needed to spell it out. Said all I've gotta say lol.

  • Jan 23, 2021

    Mfs are writing essays over akademiks in here

    s*** is blowing my mind i see why niggas don't come to this section
