Save that s*** for ur diary then b****
“Save that s*** for your diary then b****” dog 😂😂😂😂
@SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?
Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.
I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:
Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves
I ain’t gonna lie there’s no way I’m reading all this.
Let’s just be real y’all gonna be checking every Akademiks update like the rest of us so save the policing 😴
@SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?
Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.
I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:
Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves
As one Drake fan to another,
at no point did you stop and think "'damn them niggas ain't finna read all this " when you typed this ?
As one Drake fan to another,
at no point did you stop and think "'damn them niggas ain't finna read all this " when you typed this ?
No ♥️
Why this section always get in shambles over ak info ? like believe or don't believe it and leave it at that ya doing too much
Niggas having a whole argument under my s***
@SinceKumbaya and all you did was ignore all the times @crossroads listed that Akademiks has done f***shit that proves he isn't the source he claims to be. You argue day and night that he has close ties to Drake and talks to him every other day, getting information but he still hasn't said ANYTHING about this album that's held weight or water. He hasn't predicted anything Drake has done in this era, whether that was DLDT dropping or the album being pushed back to 2021 or LNCL dropping, NOTHING. Throughout, all he's done is make theories mostly based on what people on this site have said. If he had such close ties shouldn't he have been able to verify many of the theories he openly posts on his page without posting them only to be proven wrong?
Akademiks has taken theories from KTT and posted about it on his page. He has taken fan theories from Twitter and done the same. He posted that fan art and said "soon come" or whatever he said because he knows how dumb some of you are when it comes to biting on anything he says and you people did just that. The thread of all of you being excited for potential new Drake music based on that fan art still exists. Y'all were pointing to that fan art as another proof of him being a Drake source because y'all couldn't find the picture anywhere else online, only for it to be proven that he stole the picture off someone else's page, posted it without credit or consent and tried to pass it off as something it clearly wasn't.
I already know you're going to jump in here and ignore all the things I've pointed to and defend Akademiks like a mindless stan, but what @crossroads and I are trying to say about him is that:
Lastly, we are all Drake fans here. We all want new music from him and we'd all like to know when said music would be coming but biting on what random people or Akademiks says about that is never the way to go. Drake has proven no one knows his plans by all the delays we've gotten in this era and with all the moves he's made. Whenever people have come out to claim they know when he's dropping, he's never dropped at that point or he's come out to announce a new date. At the end of the day, everyone will believe what they want to believe. This has never really been about trying to get you to stop believing Akademiks but really just trying to point out his pattern of behavior and let everyone make a choice for themselves
did you peep the video of Ak's most recent claims? tbh I've held off on claiming whether I believe him or not, but he at least sounded genuine and like he wasn't just pulling stuff out of his ass. we'll see soon enough
Don't waste time on this idiot. Either he's trolling or extremely stupid. Probably both. He even got me thinking he on AKs payroll because at the end of the discussion it always gets proven AK is legit.
I’m trolling by listing all the time AK has been wrong 🤣🤣 you know what have fun it’s always y’all dumbass kids who come in here. You can’t save delusional people just learned that the hard way
did you peep the video of Ak's most recent claims? tbh I've held off on claiming whether I believe him or not, but he at least sounded genuine and like he wasn't just pulling stuff out of his ass. we'll see soon enough
He does that in all his videos because his fans are under the age where they don’t under the vagueness in his claims
You’re still ignoring the fact that he said an update was coming from DRAKE was coming imminently. Go to the thread and based on what Ak was saying everybody was saying “it look like drake is about to announce a push back”. Then that happened
Y’all are delusional if you think he’s just making up speaking to drake. Why even enter the Ak threads if you think that’s the case. A waste of your time
At the end of the day nobody can force you to listen to Ak or believe he has contact with drake (although it’s obvious he does) but y’all waste your time trying to police these threads and somehow pay attention to every update he gives.
He waited for the artist to speak after vaguely giving an update. The logical people were all saying they don’t believe AK in that thread you and the other AK fans said hey their might be a pushback, even though that looked like the case for the last two weeks and the only reason people come into this thread is because y’all put this bullshit in the Drake section. You have ignored all my questions cause you know the answer is no. Keep up with you delusion and stay safe
He does that in all his videos because his fans are under the age where they don’t under the vagueness in his claims
I didn't ask you fam
I’m trolling by listing all the time AK has been wrong 🤣🤣 you know what have fun it’s always y’all dumbass kids who come in here. You can’t save delusional people just learned that the hard way
Yes I think there's a possibility you are intentionally being ignorant in every AK thread. For whatever the f*** reason. It's probably your spudity that's making me delusional. Don't @ me again
Yes I think there's a possibility you are intentionally being ignorant in every AK thread. For whatever the f*** reason. It's probably your spudity that's making me delusional. Don't @ me again
I’m ignorant when I’m stating out facts. I know you learned that word in your 8th grade english class but learn the definition. I pointed out fact but i’m pointing out my spudity. Dumbass go jerk off to Akademiks and continue to be ignorant (the right way to use the f***ing word). Oops I @ you
No ♥️
this unrelated but are you that same user that claimed to be affiliated with asap mob a few months ago
this unrelated but are you that same user that claimed to be affiliated with asap mob a few months ago
Huh? No.
did you peep the video of Ak's most recent claims? tbh I've held off on claiming whether I believe him or not, but he at least sounded genuine and like he wasn't just pulling stuff out of his ass. we'll see soon enough
He did seem like he spoke to him but it wouldn't be the first time he's come across that way. I've never disputed that he speaks to Drake. I just don't believe he's a source nor do I believe Drake tells him any details on when he'll be dropping music. Why? Akademiks has never predicted or pinpointed when Drake will release any new music. It's always guess work and he's always wrong. I believe they do speak about legacy and Drake's overall career though. I believe Drake has conversations like that with lots of people.
Huh? No.
my bad it was someone else with a zoe avi. was a girl too
Just gonna wait for a Drake update from Drake. Seems like Roy is gonna be on the album now too.