  • Jul 4, 2022


  • Jul 4, 2022

    Digusting. Dont believe that he fired a shot from his car or that there even was a gun in his car. Cops known to plant that s*** after murdering someone. ACAB

  • Jul 4, 2022

    I hate this country

  • Jul 4, 2022
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Man I hope every b**** ass police man get smoked. F*** them niggas. And before you b**** ass “not all cops are bad!” Type p**** niggas show up, a coo keeping silent and defending their brothers through bullshit is just as bad. So they all can suck my d*** and if you feel a way you can suck it too.

    Na f*** all cops in general . All my good interactions with them just end up being a slap in the face on my end later down line and all the bad ones include being racially profiled and threatened so they can suck my d*** while they at it too

  • Zaywop 💰
    Jul 4, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    Yeah I ain't tryna watch this b

  • Jul 4, 2022


    Been saying this allot the past few days

  • Jul 4, 2022
    A Mad Ass Nigga

    Man I hope every b**** ass police man get smoked. F*** them niggas. And before you b**** ass “not all cops are bad!” Type p**** niggas show up, a coo keeping silent and defending their brothers through bullshit is just as bad. So they all can suck my d*** and if you feel a way you can suck it too.

  • Jul 4, 2022


  • Jul 4, 2022

    As per usual it’s f*** 12

  • Smacked Voodoo

    Whole lotta slurpin goin on there brother

  • Jul 4, 2022
    3 replies
    Troy Ave Stan

    Never take tweet at face value.

    Lead cops on high speed chase for traffic infraction

    He was armed and fired two shots at officers.
    He bailed from the car surrounded by like 12 cops wearing a ski mask

    Taper deployments were unsuccessful. He quickly turned to face the officers when he was shot.

    Yes the gun was left in the car but the situation was happening so fast there's literally no way they could have known so.

    He was rightfully presumed armed and dangerous imo.

  • Jul 4, 2022

    Not a single person in the thread decided to use Google and look deeper into the story, instead rely upon misleading viral tweets, typical ktt.

  • Jul 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Full Boost

    Never take tweet at face value.

    Lead cops on high speed chase for traffic infraction

    He was armed and fired two shots at officers.
    He bailed from the car surrounded by like 12 cops wearing a ski mask

    Taper deployments were unsuccessful. He quickly turned to face the officers when he was shot.

    Yes the gun was left in the car but the situation was happening so fast there's literally no way they could have known so.

    He was rightfully presumed armed and dangerous imo.

    You right bro, definitely deserved 90 shots

  • Jul 4, 2022
    Smacked Voodoo

    Yeah I ain't tryna watch this b

  • Hate them cacs

  • Jul 4, 2022
    2 replies
    Troy Ave Stan

    You right bro, definitely deserved 90 shots

    Now where did I say that.
    The moment he fired off the gunshot he set the tone from that moment forward.

    His actions have an equal reaction, simple as that.

    If he fled without shooting a shot they would have approached the situation differently.

    People need to take accountability for their actions, simple as.

  • 90

  • Jul 4, 2022
    2 replies

    I've seen a few unjustified shootings, this isn't one of them.

  • Jul 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Full Boost

    I've seen a few unjustified shootings, this isn't one of them.

    So what you are saying is
    The police are justified in shooting an unarmed man 60 times?

  • Jul 4, 2022
    JT is Electric

    So what you are saying is
    The police are justified in shooting an unarmed man 60 times?

    There's like 12 cops on scene, that's just result of the situation. This isn't one two cops mag dumping and reloading 3 or 4 times.

    Again, I've seen videos of cops shooting an unnecessary amount of rounds/shooting someone because the cop was startled etc.

    Again looking at the hectic situation, his actions and the amount of cops on scene this seems about normal

  • Jul 4, 2022
    1 reply

    ^ look at this goofy ass

  • Jul 4, 2022

    Like what makes you think firing off two shots isn't going to be taken as a deadly threat.

    If he was truly innocent he had no reason to flee both of foot and through car, and it doesn't make sense for him to fire at cops.

    Now if he was pulled over, unarmed, co-operative, and just blasted for nothing, yeah it would be a totally different story.

    But he himself made the situation ultra f***ed

  • Jul 4, 2022
    JT is Electric

    ^ look at this goofy ass

    Alright, care to address how the tweet is factually false?

  • Jul 4, 2022
    1 reply
    Full Boost

    I've seen a few unjustified shootings, this isn't one of them.

    Maybe he should’ve been a mass shooter
    Pigs always follow procedures for them