I don't see a point in delaying the album, Alot of people would listen no matter what the circumstances were. If anything I think a Drake album would help alot of people going through Anxiety and Depression during this dark time, just escape from the fear mongering media for a little bit and just listen to some new drake. Thoughts?
I think it’s best to delay it
I respect your opinion, but maybe elaborate why?
I feel there's definitely an album delay going due to the circumstances especially with the George Floyd situation. Otherwise we shoulda gotten a single by now and maybe the album in like August. Imma think the album will be out in Fall unless Drake goes the no single approach and does a surprise release
I think it’s best to delay it
facts! we need the environment to enjoy Drake's music, clubs, bars, gym, car drive etc. all those add to album experience. also for the album to perform to it's optimum number wise lockdown need to be over and normal life resumed. Also with the current climate of social justice, its just not the right time.
I feel there's definitely an album delay going due to the circumstances especially with the George Floyd situation. Otherwise we shoulda gotten a single by now and maybe the album in like August. Imma think the album will be out in Fall unless Drake goes the no single approach and does a surprise release
So the George Floyd situation stopped you from listening to music? Seems like the only thing to look forward to right now is new music from any artist.
I respect your opinion, but maybe elaborate why?
Given everything that’s going on, I don’t think new album would hit the same. Drake already gets crushed for not being the most outspoken person about these issues I can only imagine the criticism he gets if he drops an album during the middle of all this
Hasnt music consumption been low during this whole quarantine thing? Im pretty sure i read that somewhere. Would be a no brainer to wait until things are back to normal which it seems like is already starting to happen
facts! we need the environment to enjoy Drake's music, clubs, bars, gym, car drive etc. all those add to album experience. also for the album to perform to it's optimum number wise lockdown need to be over and normal life resumed. Also with the current climate of social justice, its just not the right time.
I don't think we need any of those things to enjoy new music, plus everything is pretty much opened near me anyways.
So the George Floyd situation stopped you from listening to music? Seems like the only thing to look forward to right now is new music from any artist.
No I didn't say that, just tried to imply he delayed the album due to that situation and thought may not be the appropriate time for new Drake music.
Releasing an album now is double edged sword, it's good for new music to alleviate the anxiety and stress going around in many people. At the same time, the memories attached to the album could leave a bad taste and not have as much lasting power, but that's my take.
No I didn't say that, just tried to imply he delayed the album due to that situation and thought may not be the appropriate time for new Drake music.
Releasing an album now is double edged sword, it's good for new music to alleviate the anxiety and stress going around in many people. At the same time, the memories attached to the album could leave a bad taste and not have as much lasting power, but that's my take.
Thats true, but being completely honest NWTS has terrible memories for me attached to it and thats my favorite album of all time.
facts! we need the environment to enjoy Drake's music, clubs, bars, gym, car drive etc. all those add to album experience. also for the album to perform to it's optimum number wise lockdown need to be over and normal life resumed. Also with the current climate of social justice, its just not the right time.
But everything is opening by August everything will be back to normal for the most part
I think a lot of artists are holding off tbh because people are expecting an second wave. I wonder what the Grammys are going to look like especially if people don’t start dropping until after the deadline.
I think a lot of artists are holding off tbh because people are expecting an second wave. I wonder what the Grammys are going to look like especially if people don’t start dropping until after the deadline.
But everything is opening by August everything will be back to normal for the most part
A second wave is on the way.
Why would a "Second Wave" make people hold off, not like we can close the economy down again regardless. Only up from here.
Why would a "Second Wave" make people hold off, not like we can close the economy down again regardless. Only up from here.
second wave gonna be worse than the first, but who knows what will happen
second wave gonna be worse than the first, but who knows what will happen
The first was barely worse than the flu lol. Some of ya'll believe the media way too much.
The first was barely worse than the flu lol. Some of ya'll believe the media way too much.
Yall still going on with that flu BS you sound stupid
With everything in lockdown, DLDT came and went tbh
the same COULD happen to the album
so I understand if he delays it I still want it now tho
Yall still going on with that flu BS you sound stupid
Open your mind a little bit bud.
did artists release their albums during the 1992 riots?