I feel you on channel orange. That s*** straight up soundtracked an entire relationship for me
Same lmao
probably all of them if i could ever lead a happy life but that'll never happen so im turning up
Not really albums just bc good memories are usually attached to them for me, but more songs
Disconnect x 6lack is a great song but I always find myself thinking about the same b****
Rest in peace to your pops man. Atleast his memory lives on in you through music. That can never be taken from you
Hope u are doing better than what u had to gone thru in OP
It’s the tough times that really make us who we are and makes us stronger. So cliche but so true
hope you doing ok OP
but on a lighter note KOD because it reminds me of when I thought J Cole had AOTY 2018
I feel you on channel orange. That s*** straight up soundtracked an entire relationship for me
Me and my ex used to lay around listening to channel orange on some spiritual s***. Till this day I’ve never had an experience with anyone on that level from just listening to music together. Feel like it can’t be replicated and I’m honestly ok with it.
Can’t listen to Circles either. That album just really f***s me up
Papa roach - metamorphosis
It reminds me of a time in my life when i was down, out and every night filled with sadness.. It was the 6th grade, my dog had died and i entered a downward spiral. i was over at my girlfriends house everyday, and she was such a bad influence on me. She's the one who introduced me to the liquor. We would get home from school and go to her room. It was just me, her, a carton of cigarettes and a fifth of Jim Beam kentucky bourbon. We would sit there for hours on end, just staring at the wall, too weak to move. The only thing i can remember from those times was this Papa roach album. Such a masterpiece from one of the most influential bands of the early 2000s. One song especially, Lifeline, spoke to me like other song has. We would just sit there, downing the bourbon, and drowning, drowning in sorrow. I did this everyday for three years. Just praying that one day i would see the light. My depression was getting the best of me. I was completely cut off from my entire family. The only thing that was there for me was Papa Roach - metamorphisis. A true classic of the modern world. I urge anyone with a love for rock n roll, or s love for music in general to check this out. Such a beautiful album.
For me one is Year of the Snitch. easily a top ten album ever for me but it’s hard to listen to cus it reminds me of being homeless living in a motel ready to just end my life
Damn sorry to hear that
I feel you on channel orange. That s*** straight up soundtracked an entire relationship for me
yep + blonde
Was going through a messy breakup when Blonde came out. S*** brings back too many bad memories
Was going through a messy breakup when Blonde came out. S*** brings back too many bad memories
Same but it still hits.
Blonde puts me in a crippling nostalgia induced depression
Hope u are doing better than what u had to gone thru in OP
It’s the tough times that really make us who we are and makes us stronger. So cliche but so true
Absolutely man. S*** is not much better for me mentally and i’m still poor but thank god I have a place to live now and i’m with my family. As horrible as it was and what came with it I truly appreciate everyday I can spend with those around me. I hope you’re in a stable place too because as horrible as poverty can be I cannot imagine losing someone close to me. You are strong as hell man.
I dont be listening to peep like i used to.
Got me out of my s***. & dont always feel like dwelling.
Nice to go back to to remind me what it dragged me out of. But yea. Can’t listen like i did then
For me one is Year of the Snitch. easily a top ten album ever for me but it’s hard to listen to cus it reminds me of being homeless living in a motel ready to just end my life