, I’m watching a cam and some psychopath keeps laughing at all the soldier scenes I ls this how it is in movie theatres nowadays ? Just complete lobotomites ?
man we starting a gofundme to get your ass in that IMAX
Apparently I didn’t miss anything if Mfers in the theatre out here laughing at clear non comedic events in American civil war movie
But you’re watching what?!?!
Second watch the multicolor effect I wonder what it fully means if anything . Again sound design main draw . At least use headphones or sound system for at home watch
feels like there is a twist coming throughout the movie especially with the toy soldier imagery used in press and some of the camera angles but it never comes . There is that multi color thing on the side . How she dies in the same angle as the dress photo from earlier but no major details that I missed first time that I got this time. First hour is actually kind of odd pacing for me
Kind of funny seeing some the reactionary takes calling Garland a “coward” for making this movie.
This movie was literally built to be a provocateur. I don’t understand how if the movie blatantly dunked on MAGA and right wing extremism that would suddenly make him “brave”.
SNL f***ing does that.
what about this film is provocative at all lol
it's a pity Garland made an ass of himself on the press run cos it sounds like this actually p good in and of itself
Caught it on a regular screen but the sound editing had me fiening for a Dolby or IMAX rewatch
there’s a Q&A IMAX screening with garland later this month, def gonna try securing tix for that
where's this?
It’s f***ing nice out. High of 82 with a nice breeze. Is civil war worth seeing in imax on this fine Sunday? Or should I just take a walk or something?
what about this film is provocative at all lol
Releasing a ($50 million) movie like this during an election cycle and openly stating that it’s intended to be politically neutral is some wild s*** whichever way you slice it.
It’s a bold move at the very least.
, I’m watching a cam and some psychopath keeps laughing at all the soldier scenes I ls this how it is in movie theatres nowadays ? Just complete lobotomites ?
Who seriously watches Camrips? Just wait til it’s on streaming or available to download/torrent. If it’s something that can’t wait why not support it and see it in the cinema?
Camrips are unwatchable to me
Who seriously watches Camrips? Just wait til it’s on streaming or available to download/torrent. If it’s something that can’t wait why not support it and see it in the cinema?
Camrips are unwatchable to me
This the first time I’ve done it since a child it just seemed right to do lol but I never knew people within the movie audience in the theater would laugh at the Hong Kong guy getting killed
“Killed me”
You f*** wit this?
This is probably going to more substantial than any movie nominated for Oscars this year. Far more profound than your typical "right wing = bad", "eat the rich", and "toxic masculinity" movies.
Garland's best film
Every time I see the thumbnail for that second trailer on the first page I think for a split second it’s Danny Brown.
, I’m watching a cam and some psychopath keeps laughing at all the soldier scenes I ls this how it is in movie theatres nowadays ? Just complete lobotomites ?
It’s f***ing nice out. High of 82 with a nice breeze. Is civil war worth seeing in imax on this fine Sunday? Or should I just take a walk or something?
Walk see it on a rainy day
Walk see it on a rainy day
I should’ve done this in retrospect. Film was decent though I ain’t too mad at it
I should’ve done this in retrospect. Film was decent though I ain’t too mad at it