Alex Jones could’ve been the American Mao if he just learned about marxism leninism as a kid
“God those communists are amazing”
Why do you say so?
End of an era. Sunrise, sunset... Sunrise, sunset
How did it even get that high? Wasn’t it just a few million to start?
it was more than one judgment and the second one was punitive as opposed to compensatory and there was at least 8 families altogether seeking damages with a LOT of plaintiffs, he’s paying like ~$50 million per person there.
all of the damage here was 100% cumulative as opposed to the courts just ordering him to pay $1.5 billion straight up
Ok maybe dumb question, but can’t the guy just set up another channel on some different platform
Fame can destroy anything including truth seekers/ tellers
His dumb ass guy too high on his own supply
Ok maybe dumb question, but can’t the guy just set up another channel on some different platform
If he were smart he would call ye
I see an opportunity
A dark timeline
only americans can be like yeahhhh harassing the families of dead shooting victims for years on end is bad but please think about his business!!!
I got a debt collector harassing me about $400. 1.5 BILLION is crazy pressure on your dome. You’ll probably never be financially stable.
Ok maybe dumb question, but can’t the guy just set up another channel on some different platform
He can setup another channel
With the judgment(s) unfulfilled though, he will likely have any proceeds/money made from streaming garnished. And with that balance, probably for the rest of his life
I got a debt collector harassing me about $400. 1.5 BILLION is crazy pressure on your dome. You’ll probably never be financially stable.
Its the least he deserves, so good.
"OAN was banned from all major satellite networks"
follow orders and never look into s***, suprised they didnt murk him. thank god immoving out of this s***whole country
Man just kill yourself
follow orders and never look into s***, suprised they didnt murk him. thank god immoving out of this s***whole country
He's a wasteman init