  • Jun 27, 2020

    It took people burning s*** down for them to realize it’s wrong lol.

    That’s the gag.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    this getting out of hand. it aint that serious. lol its a voice

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    White people doing too much

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    CLB KarlPilkington

    Diane Nguyen’s Boston heritage was more highlighted than her Vietnamese background lmaooo

    The episode where she actually goes to Vietnam probably one of the most boring episodes from the show as well

  • Jun 27, 2020
    Ad Astra

    The episode where she actually goes to Vietnam probably one of the most boring episodes from the show as well

    C Tier Episode

    I get the intentions of the episode but man this episode came out during the height of being Diane unlikeable

  • Jun 27, 2020


  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    S*** was still on a couple months ago tho

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    S*** was still on a couple months ago tho


  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Isn't everybody in Bojack an animal?

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    this getting out of hand. it aint that serious. lol its a voice

    spoken like a privileged person. do you know the hardship vietnamese voice actors had to face because of this evil white woman?

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides


    Bojack Horseman I mean last season came out 2-3 months ago and now shes acting like it was a wrong thing to do from the start when she litteraly was on the show 90 days ago lol just find it funny

  • Jun 27, 2020
    Mr Motion

    Isn't everybody in Bojack an animal?

    technically yes since humans are animals.

    Diane Nguyen is a vietnamese-american born and raised in Boston.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Bojack Horseman I mean last season came out 2-3 months ago and now shes acting like it was a wrong thing to do from the start when she litteraly was on the show 90 days ago lol just find it funny

    Oh yeah. I just wanted to make sure i understood what you were saying it was like what i was saying earlier. It wasn’t wrong when she was getting a pay check

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    I swear to god if Phil LaMarr starts apologizing for voice acting as Samurai Jack

    They already got him wrapped up in it on Twitter but he’s not with that f*** s***

  • Jun 27, 2020

    They already got him wrapped up in it on Twitter but he’s not with that f*** s***

    he better not. All of this f*** s*** is completely disrespecting the hard work that these voice actors/actresses did to capture the iconography of all of these classic characters.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    2 replies
    Cosmic Warrior

    spoken like a privileged person. do you know the hardship vietnamese voice actors had to face because of this evil white woman?

    im far from privileged but what has Alison brie herself done to block talented minorities from voicing certain characters. If you have a great voice that suits the character then you deserve the position. it's not like kids or the viewer in particular knows the person voicing the character isn't the actual ethnicity of the said character. Also Phil Lamarr who is black is one of my favorite voice actors, voices not only Jon Stewart /Green Lantern but also Samurai Jack which is an asian character

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    Oh yeah. I just wanted to make sure i understood what you were saying it was like what i was saying earlier. It wasn’t wrong when she was getting a pay check

    Thats the vibe I get from all these voice actors

    And to think they have tô wait for the moment its cool to post black squares on insta to understand something is wrong with society

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    im far from privileged but what has Alison brie herself done to block talented minorities from voicing certain characters. If you have a great voice that suits the character then you deserve the position. it's not like kids or the viewer in particular knows the person voicing the character isn't the actual ethnicity of the said character. Also Phil Lamarr who is black is one of my favorite voice actors, voices not only Jon Stewart /Green Lantern but also Samurai Jack which is an asian character

    It’s one thing if you have stereotype voice casted roles akin to Apu and Cleveland Brown but yeah man completely agreed.

    This is just trying way too hard and way too late

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    Thats the vibe I get from all these voice actors

    And to think they have tô wait for the moment its cool to post black squares on insta to understand something is wrong with society

    so corny and the people that actually cared to bash voice actors for this

    i guarantee they loved the representation of some of these characters while not knowing that it was portrayed by someone not of that representation.

  • FREE 💜
    Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply

    I don't think people ITT have attacked the white voice actor for Cleveland tho

    Like it doesn't seem like people are downplaying it cause of Asians they downplaying it cause it's a voice.This same reaction happened when they announced South Park and Big mouth would recast black characters.

    In general most people seem to think this is dumb.

  • FREE 💜
    Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    It’s one thing if you have stereotype voice casted roles akin to Apu and Cleveland Brown but yeah man completely agreed.

    This is just trying way too hard and way too late

    Is Cleveland even a stereotype? If I recall the joke of Cleveland was that he was not a stereotype and voiced by a white man.

    Like he's supposed to be the opposite and that comes up on Cleveland Show when the cast all played by black people point out he feels the "whitest"

  • Jun 27, 2020

    Is Cleveland even a stereotype? If I recall the joke of Cleveland was that he was not a stereotype and voiced by a white man.

    Like he's supposed to be the opposite and that comes up on Cleveland Show when the cast all played by black people point out he feels the "whitest"

    I was just saying stereotype as in maybe certain jokes made with the character with the context of knowing his VA may come off as insensitive & ignorant.

    Even that is a real reach. So you have a point here.

  • Jun 27, 2020
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides

    so corny and the people that actually cared to bash voice actors for this

    i guarantee they loved the representation of some of these characters while not knowing that it was portrayed by someone not of that representation.

    And I mean who tf is really offended by that kind of s*** as long as its not on some straight racist s***

    Most people who are talking about this are white too

  • Jun 27, 2020
    Ad Astra

    White people doing too much