Nintendo Switch 2 [ANNOUNCED] (Direct on April 2)

  • Jan 16

    I don’t want to keep huffing the copium but I must

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    wind waker might be my favorite zelda game

    That and either N64 game are too hard to decide between. The Holy Trinity.

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    All direct sequels:

    Adventures of Link
    Majora's Mask
    Spirit Tracks
    Link Between Worlds
    Tears Of A Kingdom

    Adventure of link, majoras mask and spirit tracks are all great examples of why we really need more true sequels. They barely have ANYTHING to do with the games they’re sequels to.

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    Adventure of link, majoras mask and spirit tracks are all great examples of why we really need more true sequels. They barely have ANYTHING to do with the games they’re sequels to.

    What you mean by that

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    What you mean by that

    I mean Zelda 2 like changed the genre to side scroller, and changed the overall structure completely

    Majoras mask 5 seconds in link falls into an alternate dimension and the rest of the game is unrelated to anything that happened in OOT, Zelda isn’t even in it

    Spirit tracks is like completely it’s own thing with the train based gameplay, I mean other than than the asset reuse did it really have anything to do with phantom hourglass

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16

    Why is there multiple of yall on famiboards

  • Jan 16

    I mean Zelda 2 like changed the genre to side scroller, and changed the overall structure completely

    Majoras mask 5 seconds in link falls into an alternate dimension and the rest of the game is unrelated to anything that happened in OOT, Zelda isn’t even in it

    Spirit tracks is like completely it’s own thing with the train based gameplay, I mean other than than the asset reuse did it really have anything to do with phantom hourglass

    Yeah I think you can chalk this up to them sufficiently wrapping up the story to the first one so the sequel has to tell an entirely different one

    Except with Tears

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    That and either N64 game are too hard to decide between. The Holy Trinity.

    Majoras Mask mannnnn I’ve loved all mainline games since but they still havent topped that one

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    We’re kidnapping NateTheHate and waterboarding him

  • Kr0niic ☘️
    Jan 16

    We’re kidnapping NateTheHate and waterboarding him

    He has until 10:01 AM ET then I’m kidnapping him

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    Majoras Mask mannnnn I’ve loved all mainline games since but they still havent topped that one

    Agreed figuring out the time mechanics completely filling out your journal has been pretty a pretty well unparalleled experience

  • Jan 16

    Agreed figuring out the time mechanics completely filling out your journal has been pretty a pretty well unparalleled experience

    Truly a one of a kind game, nintendo was on one when they cooked that up

  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    All direct sequels:

    Adventures of Link
    Majora's Mask
    Spirit Tracks
    Link Between Worlds
    Tears Of A Kingdom

    Tbh Phantom Hourglass is also a sequel to Wind Waker

  • Aruji

    Tbh Phantom Hourglass is also a sequel to Wind Waker

    true. id love a 3d sequel with more wild and turbulent seas though.

  • Kr0niic

    I actually hadn’t watched the Nate podcast yet cus I was gonna wait until “the night before”.

    I genuinely think Nate is one of the most trustworthy leakers so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt

    And I’m watching the podcast now and he doesn’t say there will be an announcement/ tweet the night before. He said the reveal will be Thursday, January 16th. He said ideally, there would be a heads up tweet but could be a surprise reveal Thursday

    MVG even asked him “so Nate, what if the reveal doesn’t come on Thursday?” And Nate replied with “well I hope this week” lol

    Also I think we need to chill cus we’re all going by “Nintendo is gonna repeat what they did for Switch 1!”… what if they don’t?

    Technically they got until March so yeah. I hope for it as soon as possible for we’ll see

  • Aruji

    Sunshine is so much better. Galaxy 1 is all hype but severely lacking. Still my least fav 3D Mario. It has it's charm but it still just pulverizes into nothing when i think about it.

    Sunshine is severely overhated for no reason and is actually a good game IMO. It’s not perfect but definitely not trash like most say

    But Galaxy 1 & 2 and clearly the overall better game tbh

  • Elric

    All direct sequels:

    Adventures of Link
    Majora's Mask
    Spirit Tracks
    Link Between Worlds
    Tears Of A Kingdom

    ah yeah, you’re right, nvm. I was thinking more along the lines of Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 or maybe BotW and TotK (haven’t played it yet tho). like true true sequels. But the ones you listed are sequels nonetheless, same art style and everything.

  • Jan 16
    6 replies


  • hayabusa


  • hayabusa


    I hope so famo!

  • hayabusa


  • Jan 16


  • Jan 16
    1 reply

    Leakers blown the f*** out

  • hayabusa

