this a pretty good breakdown of what's going on but ik it's long asl. basically, the official story from the govt rn seems to be that uaps are actually biblical entities, either angels or demons. the upper level ppl in the government are telling the lower lvl ppl to stop investigating and read the bible
another article:
is it all cap or are we living in the end times fr?
the upper level ppl in the government are telling the lower lvl ppl to stop investigating and read the bible
if that sentence dont trigger your bullshit alarms then you're already beyond help
Anything to do with aliens should automatically be ignored. The government and powers that be want us to believe in aliens for whatever reason but it can’t be a good one
Anything to do with aliens should automatically be ignored. The government and powers that be want us to believe in aliens for whatever reason but it can’t be a good one
It’s easier to make everybody think it’s little green men from Mars visiting us than to have everybody figure out how much occult s*** and internal psychic work the CIA gets into
You can literally talk to aliens right now in your room with a pencil and paper just by doing something like Automatic Writing
It’s easier to make everybody think it’s little green men from Mars visiting us than to have everybody figure out how much occult s*** and internal psychic work the CIA gets into
You can literally talk to aliens right now in your room with a pencil and paper just by doing something like Automatic Writing
what you talkin about automatic wrtiting
what you talkin about automatic wrtiting
writing out an invocation prayer and then asking questions in a meditation state, and writing gibberish constantly on the page until your hand writes out answers on its own
really spooky but it works
you can summon whatever you want, angels, aliens, dead artists
I would never trust a source that tells me to stop researching
yeah theres a good chance this whole thing is a psyop
it is true though, and they are backdooring this world through electricity
it is true though, and they are backdooring this world through electricity
UFO guys are some of the dumbest people alive
do u think they're demons sherm