@op if you really wanna get f***ed up read this (long read btw)
Obviously some people in government are nut jobs and the truth is probably something practical like secret military training/weapons
Obviously some people in government are nut jobs and the truth is probably something practical like secret military training/weapons
that's only what we get in exchange of whatever they are getting from us
that's only what we get in exchange of whatever they are getting from us
Why are you assuming this? There’s no proof of us exchanging anything or finding aliens.
Why are you assuming this? There’s no proof of us exchanging anything or finding aliens.
because I can only assume, of course there is no proof come on, there are only breadcrumbs
It’s easier to make everybody think it’s little green men from Mars visiting us than to have everybody figure out how much occult s*** and internal psychic work the CIA gets into
You can literally talk to aliens right now in your room with a pencil and paper just by doing something like Automatic Writing
There more people that believe in ghost and demons than aliens you idiots
"Its easier to make people believe in little green men"
Yeah if you ignore almost a hindred years of people not believeing in ghosts no matter what and ufo researchers getting ostracized
Yeah if you ignore the almost hundred years of aliens that SLOWLY grew acceptance that is till a minority
"No one believes in ghosts/demons"
Yeah if you ignore statistics and kiteral human history, and the belief is even greater the more eastward you go lmao
There is always a conspiracy with a conspiracy, thus is why none of you in aisle will be taken seriously
Literally just make up s*** and skew it for your own selff
Niggas dont want the truth, they want whatever they believe to be real
@op if you really wanna get f***ed up read this (long read btw)
not gonna hold u this reads like an elaborate s***post or just casual schizo s*** but it was a fun read
not gonna hold u this reads like an elaborate s***post or just casual schizo s*** but it was a fun read
probably, but it's something that many people can relate to, they made an investigate sub and they are checking how everything unfolds according to that dream and how other people have had similar dreams
I got scared cause I read about it just after I watched that movie Leave the World Behind
Anything to do with aliens should automatically be ignored. The government and powers that be want us to believe in aliens for whatever reason but it can’t be a good one
accept the antichrist, the one saviour that will re-unify the world, the messiah
I figured that they were Angels with that “Be not Afraid” crap..
Nigga I’m very f***ing afraid weirdo
I figured that they were Angels with that “Be not Afraid” crap..
Nigga I’m very f***ing afraid weirdo
they actually shapeshift into angels or demons (or aliens)
nerd city got into weird conspiracy theories after NFTs flopped and he lost all his money
So there’s actual aliens and the government thinks appealing to biblical sensibilities is an easier pill to swallow than telling the public there are entities several leaps ahead of our technological understanding
There more people that believe in ghost and demons than aliens you idiots
that’s not at all what I was trying to say
the upper level ppl in the government are telling the lower lvl ppl to stop investigating and read the bible
if that sentence dont trigger your bullshit alarms then you're already beyond help
Fr what kind of brain rot has this Internet inflicted man
Fr what kind of brain rot has this Internet inflicted man
Its like something a 9 year old would hear and go "omg no way thats crazy"
that’s not at all what I was trying to say
Then i apologize for the misunderstanding and insult
writing out an invocation prayer and then asking questions in a meditation state, and writing gibberish constantly on the page until your hand writes out answers on its own
really spooky but it works
you can summon whatever you want, angels, aliens, dead artists
Oh you trolling f*** lol. I was like what?
UFO guys are some of the dumbest people alive
Do you really think you're the most intelligent thing in the entire universe?
It's okay to think there's no way aliens are here on Earth, but they don't exist in this giant vacuum of space none of us know anything about except that it's the biggest thing that's ever existed?
Do you really think you're the most intelligent thing in the entire universe?
It's okay to think there's no way aliens are here on Earth, but they don't exist in this giant vacuum of space none of us know anything about except that it's the biggest thing that's ever existed?
No, but I also don’t know how one would quantify intelligence across species in a truly objective way, so I wouldn’t even say we’re “the most intelligent” life on the planet. We have the ability to do many unique things but IMO if we were truly intelligent we could operate in nature like other species
So yes, I think it’s more likely than not that there are forms of non-human life on other planets, but we’ve never interacted with any of those forms of life and never will. If they had ever been here, or ever were to come here, we all would die instantly from germs humanity has never been exposed to.
The government has never had any credible proof of “alien technology”. And above all they’re definitely not some f***ing well-disguised demons who look at us through holes poked in the firmament