I told niggas women bumping Drake around me and got told I don't go to exclusive clubs
Nah nigga who said that cuz no real nigga gon say some s*** like that 😂
Beef only matters to Internet nerds/Twitter dorks that don’t touch grass
Hood still bumping Drake
show the baddies
As a huge Drake fan I think the gaslighting is working boys keep going, we might even sniff the top 10 again at this point
y’all know that where Latto grew up is like 5 miles from Zone 6…right? Ya’ll know her school growing up is like 99% black with most kids coming from poverty…right? You know her dad was bout that life and is very locked in to the life since leaving it and put her on musically with people from that life?
where do ya’ll be getting these takes from?
Not speaking to Latto specifically cause idk a lot about her but you’re describing the usual pattern for “hood frauds” to a T if that’s how people see her tbf
Like yeah they usually do go to the same schools as the poor kids they’re emulating/think they’re emulating. Again not saying that’s her but that’s how it goes
Drake stans made a whole thread for different videos of Latto dancing to Nokia to convince themselves attractive women like $$$4U
y’all know that where Latto grew up is like 5 miles from Zone 6…right? Ya’ll know her school growing up is like 99% black with most kids coming from poverty…right? You know her dad was bout that life and is very locked in to the life since leaving it and put her on musically with people from that life?
where do ya’ll be getting these takes from?
Always the suburban kids saying s*** like that too
Funny cuz I was just thinking bout her earlier cuz I realized she like the only buzzing female rapper that never really had a run or a strong fanbase
That inauthenticity ain’t moving nobody
She has to slowly transition to it over the course of a few years like Drake
y’all know that where Latto grew up is like 5 miles from Zone 6…right? Ya’ll know her school growing up is like 99% black with most kids coming from poverty…right? You know her dad was bout that life and is very locked in to the life since leaving it and put her on musically with people from that life?
where do ya’ll be getting these takes from?
So she’s New New?
the way yall speak about women like alien creatures will forever kill me
it’s so cringe and corny
and they got the nerve to call Reddit corny lmao
He’s still one of the world’s best and most streamed artist so yea you’re going to see people listening to his music. Drake has made great music. It still doesn’t change that til the day he leaves this earth, there won’t be a conversation had about him without referencing that he got washed on a colossal level, taking one of the most humiliating L’s in modern civilisation. He’ll still make bops and they’ll still listen, but it’s not the same as it was.
beef fanfiction is crazy work