  • They bumping that Freddie Gibbs?

  • Slingshot

    the way yall speak about women like alien creatures will forever kill me

    These men in they late 20s and early 30s too. Idk why they never grew up

  • Mar 2

    Kim Kardashian peeped my thread

  • Mar 2
    1 reply

    A lot of baddies on my timeline bumping that Clave Especial too but we ain’t making threads about that

  • notbrock

    This how y’all look talking about songs women like

    It ain’t that deep

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Seeing male Drake fans get their validation from women who would never acknowledge them irl is hilarious.

  • codeine crazy

    This drake v Kendrick s*** getting corny now

    The more people that see it the sooner we can heal

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    They listen to Chris Brown and Trey Songz too

    Bro listen to what you like

  • Mar 3

    A lot of baddies on my timeline bumping that Clave Especial too but we ain’t making threads about that

    We should tbh

  • Mar 3
    2 replies

    They listen to Chris Brown and Trey Songz too

    Bro listen to what you like

    Amazing artists


    Amazing artists

    Trey Songz is a horrible singer

  • 666 💢
    Mar 3
    1 reply

    arent you guys tired of basing your music interest on what internet women are listening

  • 666

    arent you guys tired of basing your music interest on what internet women are listening

    This just another Drake vs Kendrick thread... with extra steps.

  • Mar 3
    1 reply

    Amazing artists

    I hate to be the one to tell ya kid but they're both trash

  • Mar 3

    I hate to be the one to tell ya kid but they're both trash

    Drake and CB are around the same tier of music

    So what does that make Drake then?

  • D*** tuckin baddies

  • KayTray

    Seeing male Drake fans get their validation from women who would never acknowledge them irl is hilarious.

    bruh wtf is this cope

    you niggas are really not serious people