Ken Carson is resting his back on a pillow of money, two fat-ass stacks of dollar bills. At a sprawling recording studio in Buckhead, Atlanta, Ken—24 years old and riding the high off his 2023 collection of gothic headbangers A Great Chaos—grabs the TV remote, and flips through the channels looking for a horror movie to throw on. With every station he pauses on, he dishes out commentary. First up is Ghostbusters: Afterlife. “Shit, ain’t nobody scared of no ghosts in 2024,” he says, slamming on the remote. “Why they keep making them? They need to leave that s*** alone! It’s all fake!”
I'm sorry, but it's really crazy how this dude can't write one piece of writing without coming off as the most condescending ass nigga of all time.
I read this piece earlier and it's really wild how much it reads with this sense of superiority as if the work he does has even a fraction of the impact that something Fantano has an editor s*** out for a random IG reel.
Alphonse is a tired subject on here, but he can't even write about things positively without this tone of him looking down upon the subject. This is no case true with Ken which is an artist he blatantly joined the bandwagon for after being mad dismissive of him prior.
Sometimes Ken is petulant and bossy. Sometimes Ken dissociates, covering his face with his locs, as he endlessly scrolls or stares at graphic, violent internet videos. (He has an obsession with gore; throughout my time there he can’t wait to see Terrifier 3.)
ktt lurker goes on tour with alleged pedophile
Sometimes Ken is petulant and bossy. Sometimes Ken dissociates, covering his face with his locs, as he endlessly scrolls or stares at graphic, violent internet videos. (He has an obsession with gore; throughout my time there he can’t wait to see Terrifier 3.)
I'm sorry, but it's really crazy how this dude can't write one piece of writing without coming off as the most condescending ass nigga of all time.
I read this piece earlier and it's really wild how much it reads with this sense of superiority as if the work he does has even a fraction of the impact that something Fantano has an editor s*** out for a random IG reel.
Alphonse is a tired subject on here, but he can't even write about things positively without this tone of him looking down upon the subject. This is no case true with Ken which is an artist he blatantly joined the bandwagon for after being mad dismissive of him prior.
Please also note that the only people in the replies of his tweets who gas this bullshit up are other music journalists.
Most of who probably have to work another job to pay rent, have a Substack newsletter that maybe four people actually pay for, and spend too much time hating on Fantano instead of using that energy into building something for themselves.
ktt lurker goes on tour with alleged pedophile
I really hope he reads my posts and shrugs them off as he probably thinks he's above criticism 😊
My mom says that I have that too but I just play pickup basketball and collect Funko Pops.
This nigga would have a f***in pentagram tattoo
Would a tat of white Jesus be better?
I'm sorry, but it's really crazy how this dude can't write one piece of writing without coming off as the most condescending ass nigga of all time.
I read this piece earlier and it's really wild how much it reads with this sense of superiority as if the work he does has even a fraction of the impact that something Fantano has an editor s*** out for a random IG reel.
Alphonse is a tired subject on here, but he can't even write about things positively without this tone of him looking down upon the subject. This is no case true with Ken which is an artist he blatantly joined the bandwagon for after being mad dismissive of him prior.
He’s lowkey an embodiment of alot of attitude towards music & music discussion online. A lot of ironic/detached condescension
no that would be equally as bad
I’m more for niggas embracing the Satanic side of Christianity cause all that God worshiping “good” s*** has done little good for black people imo
This is the most KTT idea ever
Lmaoo weak ass chest tattoo is killing me
He’s lowkey an embodiment of alot of attitude towards music & music discussion online. A lot of ironic/detached condescension
I don't even hate the premise—if anything the opposite—of what this is article is trying to attempt to unearth regarding the current cultural phenomenon of Ken and Opium, but Alphonse is just the absolute worst pilot that could've been chosen for the task and in turn kinda fails at what he set out to do.
ktt lurker goes on tour with alleged pedophile
wait, does alphonse actually lurk on here?
how u guys figure that out?
Ken Carson with a haircut would be a good fit in a Vietnam war film
They need to remake Apocalypse Now with the entire Opium roster immediately