  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Like you cant ignore what I said about MLK and John Brown.

    and you can't ignore what Christianity did to Africa.

    All the homophobia in Africa literally is sourced from western missionaries preaching the "good word" to the most disassociated and struggling communities of various towns in Africa.

    You making some point that Im not defending and those Christians are from EUROPEAN conceptions of God from the King James version of the bible and so on.

    You not really reading nigga so stop replying fr. The nigga is defending Satan and worshipping the Devil but I see thats fine with you so leave me alone bro fr

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Religion and spirituality in itself is beautiful. Like I said, my fam been practicing Ifa since I was 12 dawg.

    Them crusades was sure liberating huh?

    The cruisaides wrent liberating you f***ing idiot

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    The cruisaides wrent liberating you f***ing idiot


  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply


    ngl I actually dislike you as a user now. We been cool but you be defending dumb s*** and making terrible points.

    You are being such a dishonest person by letting the point that Christianity has had Positives. Im not saying it was better for the world or some s***.

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply
    JT is Electric

    You making some point that Im not defending and those Christians are from EUROPEAN conceptions of God from the King James version of the bible and so on.

    You not really reading nigga so stop replying fr. The nigga is defending Satan and worshipping the Devil but I see thats fine with you so leave me alone bro fr

    I'm not defending brodie defending the devil (although there have been theological studies about lucifer and what he does represent, but that's neither here nor there)

  • insertcoolnamehere

    I'm not defending brodie defending the devil (although there have been theological studies about lucifer and what he does represent, but that's neither here nor there)

    f*** off

  • f*** you even talking bout nigga byee

  • Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    ngl I actually dislike you as a user now. We been cool but you be defending dumb s*** and making terrible points.

    You are being such a dishonest person by letting the point that Christianity has had Positives. Im not saying it was better for the world or some s***.

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    There’s a good side?

    you said there’s no good side of Christianity and now you making a point about Christianity being wholly negative because of the Crusades.

    Christianity was in Africa along with Islam before Europeans. And you miss that almsot every religion has good and bad things that arise from them

  • Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    you said there’s no good side of Christianity and now you making a point about Christianity being wholly negative because of the Crusades.

    Christianity was in Africa along with Islam before Europeans. And you miss that almsot every religion has good and bad things that arise from them

    I think it's wholly negative because of the modern day worldwide propaganda applications.

    but historically I'll give you that.

    Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    Say that to the countless African indigenous polytheistic beliefs and mythology that were eradicated during Christian conversion for example :/

    All in the name of God btw, not Satan

    none of that s*** justifies worshipping Satan. a deity that literally came from those Christians you speak of

    Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    So you believe that the concept of supreme evil is the way to go? Lust, Gluttony and Ultimate Domination over others? Please touch grass or talk to some real people holy s***

    Also African Indigenous religious eradication should not be used to justify Demonic worship which is literally a European concept in Christianity.

    lmao I already knew buddy was gonna go that angle. heart may be in the right place but he needed to put a little more thought into it

  • Childhood

    Please also note that the only people in the replies of his tweets who gas this bullshit up are other music journalists.

    Most of who probably have to work another job to pay rent, have a Substack newsletter that maybe four people actually pay for, and spend too much time hating on Fantano instead of using that energy into building something for themselves.

    I'm glad you said this lmfao, it's the same 10 twitter journalists trying to dictate what's cool or not

  • Nov 5, 2024

    Your mom putting you on to Future is crazy lmao

  • Nov 5, 2024
    2 replies

    Alphonse sounding like he doing a Robinson crusoe travel diary

    It’s noon in mid-October on the third and final leg of his tour. A blunt is rolled by White to be passed around the small shared space of the bus, which has electronic doors, two bathrooms, six bunks, and Ken’s master bedroom where an unidentified woman is holed up for all three days that I live with them. Their daily routine is: smoke, fire up one slasher after another, survive on junk food, Lunchables, and Gatorades. Every now and then, Ken and Isaac throw together a sandwich containing funky flavored Lays chips and a slice of ham on un-toasted white bread with mayonnaise. The only music that is played is old Young Thug (straight off the iPhone speaker). When he’s feeling inspired he goes into a makeshift studio on another bus to record More Chaos.

  • Nov 5, 2024

    I mean…Alphonse Pierre tacks on “lol” or “lmao” at the end of every tweet like hes still some snarky ass 19 year old no surprise he spits out pieces with more or less the same tone.

    Like if the median poster on here was suddenly handed out bylines

    My $0.02

  • Nov 5, 2024

    I really hope he reads my posts and shrugs them off as he probably thinks he's above criticism 😊

    He claims he don’t go here tho 🤔

  • Nov 5, 2024

    Do you like John Carpenter’s Halloween?

    “Hell no! Ain’t no female battling Michael Myers,” he responds. “Jamie Lee ass would’ve been died in a Rob Zombie movie!” (Fact check: Laurie, the character played by Jamie Lee Curtis in the originals, survives her battle with Michael Myers in Rob Zombie’s remake

    This nigga dumb as hell!


  • Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    This so f***ing stupid and lets me know how little you know about how Religion and Colonialism have played into each other. Africans under Christian crusades were forced to covert, die or be enslaved (sometimes all). This has nothing to do with us accepting Christianity’s Good side.

    Tell me what is productive about Satan and how is it beneficial in the end?

    Anybody with basic knowledge of history knows this! I was just making a point that the God fearing aspect of Christianity and how it subconsciously taught niggas to fear white supremacy are no better than embracing the Satanic schisms

    Obviously I would rather black people steer clear of either as they are all Abrahamic tomfoolery, but the God fearing indoctrination has done little good for black people regardless of the whataboutism you do with Satanic teachings!

    And if it ain’t been working for a thousand years, might as well try something different

  • Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    So you believe that the concept of supreme evil is the way to go? Lust, Gluttony and Ultimate Domination over others? Please touch grass or talk to some real people holy s***

    Also African Indigenous religious eradication should not be used to justify Demonic worship which is literally a European concept in Christianity.

    “Lust, Gluttony and Ultimate Domination over others?“

    You just described the God fearing practises and its relationship with black people historically my guy.

    We exist under white supremacy and capitalism, countries built on the blood of the conquered and exploited, the morally righteous narrative left the conversation a long time ago

    Also was not excusing Satan worshipping! Niggas tap dancing either way 🤷🏾‍♂️ but the difference between black peoples freedom to do either is part of the problem!

  • Nov 5, 2024
    JT is Electric

    “Good” and Yes. If you dont take a nihilistic approach to religion you would see how instrumental it is in understanding our reality and uprising against oppression. From John Brown, to MLK to the Black People who struggle to read the Bible then rose up against their slaveowners.

    In the grand scheme of history, those are breadcrumbs of “positives” compared to the extensive destruction it has caused! If you’re happy parading the crumbs around like a 3 course meal, be my guest

    Also using religion as an escape from white supremacy ideological slavery isn’t as productive for black people in the long run as you might think, just a prison transfer

    Not to sound ungrateful to my ancestors, but the dialogue regarding black peoples relationship with Abrahamic faiths can grow past appeasing the aggressor cause we were thrown crumbs

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    none of that s*** justifies worshipping Satan. a deity that literally came from those Christians you speak of

    We are talking more than this nigga keep up with the convo

  • Nov 5, 2024
    2 replies

    All of this cause a nigga has an inverted pentagram tatted… convo would not exist if he had white Jesus instead and that part of the issue!

    Maybe niggas are tired of being gaslight with this moral righteous sin stuff

    Imagine a Christian slave master slaughtering your family and then telling you what it means to be a good person 😐

  • Nov 5, 2024
    1 reply

    I'da rather this thread been about the interview lol

    Nov 5, 2024

    We are talking more than this nigga keep up with the convo

    im not part of that convo. I called cap, you said some crazy s*** then I told you that s*** was crazy in response