  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply
    Not Like Josuke

    He’s up next

    Wow this is terrible

    the Phonse correct as usual

  • Oct 19, 2021

    song/album reviews are editorials. not to mention, most of the music he reviews is literally unmixed and posted to SC and YT for free consumption.

    and yes, editorials are supposed to elicit a reaction. it’s literally an opinion. it would be boring if it didn’t inspire reactions.

    a lot of you are talking about Alphonse’s ‘pieces,’ as if he doesn’t write a weekly tongue-in-cheek column for P4K that is obviously designed to be humorous and touch on numerous topics.

    y’all talking like bro writes thinkpieces.

    I found Alphonse’s alt

  • Oct 19, 2021

    He’s yet to release anything I truly love but I think he has a lot of potential

    Idk man we’ll see

    This where I’m at with it

    I don’t listen to him at all but I’m lowkey interested to see what he’ll do

  • Oct 19, 2021
    math fifty

    Alphonse Pierre is a music sxn poster that gets paid for it

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Thread has made me listen to 2 teezo touchdown songs and bro is cheeks

  • Oct 19, 2021
    1 reply

    KTT caping for a dog s*** rapper no one has heard of and s***ting on a critic who has helped many rising black artists get some spotlight through his reviews

    this site is like 99% morons at this point man

    That's what people don't talk about. I'm French so I wasn't really THAT plugged into the more "local" rap scene and I discovered an insane amount of rappers thanks to him and all of this before they got any kind of "Internet fame" or whatever.

    Man been putting the extra hours to promote talented black artists so all of y'all acting like he a "coon" or some s*** are pretty much f***ing wrong. Teezo is a god awful artist that's basically where the argument starts and needs to end

  • Oct 19, 2021
    2 replies

    KTT caping for a dog s*** rapper no one has heard of and s***ting on a critic who has helped many rising black artists get some spotlight through his reviews

    this site is like 99% morons at this point man

    But bro Alphonse is a dog s*** writer lol if hes going in on rappers we're allowed to go in on his terrible writing skills

    There's people here saying they hate this rapper too but also got a prob with the review so yea u the moron here bro

  • Oct 19, 2021
    math fifty

    Alphonse Pierre is a music sxn poster that gets paid for it

  • Oct 19, 2021

    There are plenty of high-level journalists who come from a completely different background or emphasis. If you can write and report and have the clips you'll get hired. I say this as a journalism grad who is at the moment working in a different field.

    Alphonse isn't a good writer, though. He has a solid voice but just read any of his reviews and you'll pick up on some amateurish stuff (and typos). I say this as someone who occasionally enjoys his stuff.

    Lowkey as someone who made it halfway through a journalism degree and switched to communication and now works in product marketing, there comes a point where you have to realize that quality music journalism requires a psychical distance from the work being reviewed that most people passionate about music (myself included) are just not capable of achieving without significant bias.

    My qualm with this dude's piece (and granted I hardly know any of his past pieces) is how opinionated it is without any nuance or self-awareness. And there's certainly room for opinion, but you have to balance it with perspective. In all honesty I'd vouch for Pitchfork circa early to mid 2010s as being one of the best sources for that. Conde Nast era Pitchfork has gone fully down the path that most of today's art-focused journalism has: controversy over commentary.

    This piece was written with the headline in mind. The assumption is that most people won't even read through it, and they might well be right. Doesn't mean I gained literally anything from consuming it. And they don't give a s***; we're talking about it and clicking it and providing CPM metrics for their banner ads and that's what really matters.

    ETA: for that matter, has anyone itt actually read the section below the Teezo "review" with featured songs and blurbs? I wouldn't be surprised if the editor didn't even bother to read that far given some of the absolute nothingness that made it to print. I'm sorry, Alphonse, but what exactly am I as a music fan supposed to take from "Hyperpopdaily is the worst Instagram account (and I can’t unfollow it)"?

  • Oct 19, 2021

    When I saw this article I already knew who wrote it based off the title

  • Oct 19, 2021


    didn't read a pitchfork article in my life

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Ok I’ve heard enough Teezo to come with my opinion on his music. Teezo is the Alphonse Pierre of music. Both delivering the same level of mediocrity in two different fields and it’s upsetting no matter where it’s coming from. Only nigga nerds and cacs will become a fan of either one of them. If I was forced to choose between being illiterate or reading the entirety of an Alphonse article it would be a hard decision. Just like if I had choose between listening to a Teezo album or having a permanent inner ear infection.

    Pitchfork hit me if you ever need the services of an elite hater and not this amateur hour s***.

  • Oct 19, 2021

    Wow this is terrible

    the Phonse correct as usual

  • Oct 20, 2021

    this post is also doing the most its not that serious

    Youre right but I know Alphonse reads this s*** so i wanted to call him out

  • Oct 20, 2021

    That's what people don't talk about. I'm French so I wasn't really THAT plugged into the more "local" rap scene and I discovered an insane amount of rappers thanks to him and all of this before they got any kind of "Internet fame" or whatever.

    Man been putting the extra hours to promote talented black artists so all of y'all acting like he a "coon" or some s*** are pretty much f***ing wrong. Teezo is a god awful artist that's basically where the argument starts and needs to end

    you actually get it!!

    good on ya for not acting like a narrow minded child and saying “fuck critics they exist for no reason and just s*** on my fav albums ” like the rest of this site

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply
    rich scouser

    But bro Alphonse is a dog s*** writer lol if hes going in on rappers we're allowed to go in on his terrible writing skills

    There's people here saying they hate this rapper too but also got a prob with the review so yea u the moron here bro

    is he the best writer? no. are these threads ever just people criticizing writing skills??? absolutely not these threads always become a massive circle jerk critic hate fest and it makes you all look sooooo cringe. you’re on a music forum ffs, why do so many of you hate music critics? you’re extremely confused if you think i’m a moron, plus my post has 5 likes and yours has 2 so actually i think more people agree with me

  • Oct 20, 2021
    rich scouser

    But bro Alphonse is a dog s*** writer lol if hes going in on rappers we're allowed to go in on his terrible writing skills

    There's people here saying they hate this rapper too but also got a prob with the review so yea u the moron here bro

    and prolly the biggest moron here

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Thats it, its not even about hating the beloved 'music critics', its that phonse been writting duds and should get critized, hes not like Stephen Kearse

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Never heard of him before this but all I know is that this s*** be free clout for teezo

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Never heard of him before this but all I know is that this s*** be free clout for teezo

    Is it though? People who have been hearing about Teezo because of this column been saying he's trash itt lol

    Having given Teezo's music a shot before this article dropped I can say that much of it is pretty spot on.

  • Oct 20, 2021

    Sidebar Alphonse does these particular write ups weekly where he'll either big up an artist or say they are ass. It's actually pretty rare for him to call another artist bad unless they are...genuinely bad lol

  • Oct 20, 2021
    Smacked Voodoo

    Is it though? People who have been hearing about Teezo because of this column been saying he's trash itt lol

    Having given Teezo's music a shot before this article dropped I can say that much of it is pretty spot on.

    I guess, but I suppose for every ten or so “haters” there’s bound to be fans who then put their friends or circle on. Me personally I’m not a fan but looking at the reception on YouTube etc he isn’t doing TOO bad.

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    KTT caping for a dog s*** rapper no one has heard of and s***ting on a critic who has helped many rising black artists get some spotlight through his reviews

    this site is like 99% morons at this point man

    Both those things can be true at the same time. Just because Alphonse likes many of the same artists you like and dislikes artists you do not care for doesn't absolve him from exercising journalistic integrity.

    If Alphonse fancies himself a music journalist/critic he has to hold himself to his industries standard and fight against his need to purport himself as a derivative of a ktt poster.

    He does like Big Homiie G’s F*ck N**ga maybe he should listen to the lyrics more keenly.

  • Oct 20, 2021
    1 reply

    Both those things can be true at the same time. Just because Alphonse likes many of the same artists you like and dislikes artists you do not care for doesn't absolve him from exercising journalistic integrity.

    If Alphonse fancies himself a music journalist/critic he has to hold himself to his industries standard and fight against his need to purport himself as a derivative of a ktt poster.

    He does like Big Homiie G’s F*ck N**ga maybe he should listen to the lyrics more keenly.

    when did i ever say any of the s*** you said in your first statement??? completely invalidates whatever you wrote after it