Why are there always 5 Drake threads popping at once
the others are just hate threads i want to have a civil discussion
I dunno I thought consensus was the tracks he dropped were great even though they were just average
He just doesn’t live up to the hype for me. Niggas build him up as the GOAT but I just don’t see it. I see plenty of flashes of it tho. Just not consistent
Because they just want to be edgy for quotes and attention because he has a lot of fans on this site
“ Drake fell off “
“ Ge only makes pop music “
“ gHostWritErZ “
But be the first ones in the thread when he drops new music
He just doesn’t live up to the hype for me. Niggas build him up as the GOAT but I just don’t see it. I see plenty of flashes of it tho. Just not consistent
okay elaborate a bit more for me g
what do niggas not like about his music anymore? want to see people’s perspectives
Whole lotta mid
The only time I'll ever listen is if there's a Future feat
I dunno I thought consensus was the tracks he dropped were great even though they were just average
nah it’s split. i personally weren’t keen on them
Your dad?
You want to explore the mind of a sicko, eh?