We literally critique him plenty of times. I literally said 60% of Scorpion is good songs, implying 40% wasn't of good level.
Y'all just think ironically if we don't straight up bash his 2016-present music with a sheep mindset, and actually like a lot of it... since you know.... we are fans that like his music that suddenly we aren't being real & are pretending to like his music.
the albums called f***ing SCORPION
Said earlier itt, I still think his music is solid but the beat selection has gotten kinda stale
oh my bad didn’t realise you stan him. thanks for your input and i agree
is there actually a drake stan on this site that critiques drake as well as praises him?
is there actually a drake stan on this site that critiques drake as well as praises him?
We literally critique him plenty of times. I literally said 60% of Scorpion is good songs, implying 40% wasn't of good level.
Y'all just think ironically if we don't straight up bash his 2016-present music with a sheep mindset, and actually like a lot of it... since you know.... we are fans that like his music that suddenly we aren't being real & are pretending to like his music.
bruh if that’s critique then it’s so backhanded. but fairs
People who don’t like him make valid points because if you don’t like his recent music then that’s on you
But the thing is that each side will attack each other because of different opinions. If somebody hates Drake, people will attack that person. If somebody praises drake, the haters will attack that person. What makes it worse is that people just say s*** just to get likes or quotes
It’s just always back and forth over dumb s***
But this is a music discussion forum so it’s going to happen anyways
Also doesn’t have that album where he throws out the playbook completely and blesses the game with some new s***. And almost all GOAT level artists have one.
Kanye got one
Wayne got one
Kast got one
Kendrick got one
Miles Davis got one
Frank got one
People who don’t like him make valid points because if you don’t like his recent music then that’s on you
But the thing is that each side will attack each other because of different opinions. If somebody hates Drake, people will attack that person. If somebody praises drake, the haters will attack that person. What makes it worse is that people just say s*** just to get likes or quotes
It’s just always back and forth over dumb s***
But this is a music discussion forum so it’s going to happen anyways
honestly... i’m not a drake lover or hater. i like half of his catalogue and the other is sub par. but apparently i’m a hater because I recognise he could do better lmao
bruh if that’s critique then it’s so backhanded. but fairs
Me: 60% of Scorpion is good (majority of Side A, some of Side B)
You: Drake fans always praise him no matter what
You choosing to hear what you want at this point. You def ain't trying to have a serious discussion
At the end of the day if someone is a stan obviously they like a lot of their music even today. Or else we would've stopped stanning and became casual fans. And plenty of people in real life casually play Scorpion a lot (hence the stats). Stop the sheep mindset that someone can't simply like something you don't.
honestly... i’m not a drake lover or hater. i like half of his catalogue and the other is sub par. but apparently i’m a hater because I recognise he could do better lmao
Nah, you’re not hater if you say that
A hater to me is just somebody who goes to every Drake(well any artist) thread and just hates everything he does or downplays everything
My personal desire from Drake is for him to take a risk... just try some new s***.
Something that will move hip hop forward. That's all.
Me: 60% of Scorpion is good (majority of Side A, some of Side B)
You: Drake fans always praise him no matter what
You choosing to hear what you want at this point. You def ain't trying to have a serious discussion
At the end of the day if someone is a stan obviously they like a lot of their music even today. Or else we would've stopped stanning and became casual fans. And plenty of people in real life casually play Scorpion a lot (hence the stats). Stop the sheep mindset that someone can't simply like something you don't.
lmao bro it’s not that deep let’s just agree to disagree, no hate here
Nah, you’re not hater if you say that
A hater to me is just somebody who goes to every Drake(well any artist) thread and just hates everything he does or downplays everything
thank you g
You ever heard of voters fatigue? One person on top for literally an entire decade is gonna make people lose their objective sense when it comes to s***.
We have people now saying those "monotone" Drake tracks where he just raps s*** are boring and wack but those same clowns will put Dreams Money Can Buy in their top 10 Drake songs.
These people don't know what they like anymore. They just saying anything.