  • Feb 10, 2020

    so my neighbor and his wife and kids just moved to florida today. cool people, dude was a big time ex-felon tho and used to sell me weed on occasion but we had a real chill relationship

    anyway this man was leaving today and he calls me while i’m at work. i figured he was just calling to lmk they left - which they did - but this mf got a final request

    he said they left a key wit one of his wife’s friends so that after they left, she could unlock the house and meet the Rent A Center ppl there to let them in. however, he said she ain’t picked up the phone all day

    SO, this mf says only the bottom lock on the front door is locked and asked me if i can basically break in to leave it unlocked for these Rent A Center ppl

    i ain’t even know what to say but then this man said he is gonna have one of his friends meet me after to pay me cash for my troubles

    anyway is this man bout to have me get arrested for breaking into the rental house they literally left a few hrs ago for Florida????? or is this a genuine request

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    also any tips on how to get the lock opened would be appreciated im a lil baby and doubt i can force it, i’d rather use a credit card or sum but i doubt it’ll work on the front door lock

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Chase a bag

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    also any tips on how to get the lock opened would be appreciated im a lil baby and doubt i can force it, i’d rather use a credit card or sum but i doubt it’ll work on the front door lock

    Save the text msgs, anything goes wrong dont talk to police and get a lawyer.

    Try windows before the locks. Most people don't lock them. If you do need to get in, just drill out the lock.

  • Feb 10, 2020

    op about to become a felon

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Let the rental people deal with the locked door. You breaking the lock sounds like a terrible idea

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Save the text msgs, anything goes wrong dont talk to police and get a lawyer.

    Try windows before the locks. Most people don't lock them. If you do need to get in, just drill out the lock.

    problem is he said most of this on the phone when i called him back

    i’ll post what he texted me when i get back home

  • Feb 10, 2020

    I don’t see why this is a set up. And if the credit card trick doesn’t work on the from t door, just do it on the back door then go in and unlock the front

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    problem is he said most of this on the phone when i called him back

    i’ll post what he texted me when i get back home

    Make sure it's in writing.

  • Feb 10, 2020

    OP bout to end up a Florida Man

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Make sure it's in writing.

  • Feb 10, 2020

    "my neighbors asked me to do some odd jobs for him before, had no idea I was committing a crime considering he lives there."

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    Find the lock on this dudes channel

  • rvi 🛝
    Feb 10, 2020

    be careful

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Find the lock on this dudes channel


  • Feb 10, 2020

    Chase a bag


  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    aight i’m bout to see what i can do fellas

    if the cops pull up i will show them this ktt thread as proof !!!

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    aight i’m bout to see what i can do fellas

    if the cops pull up i will show them this ktt thread as proof !!!

    Breaking and entering

    they dgaf thry gonna arrest u on sight

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Breaking and entering

    they dgaf thry gonna arrest u on sight

    hopefully this mf left a roll of toilet paper in his bathroom cuz i’m out and gotta s*** after this ordeal

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply


  • Feb 10, 2020
    2 replies

    Rent a center people showing up to a house with a kicked in door

  • Feb 10, 2020


    F*** it just do it

  • Feb 10, 2020

    Rent a center people showing up to a house with a kicked in door

  • Feb 10, 2020
    1 reply

    So what you’re just gonna kick the door in then walk away?