you got this @derekdod 💪👏🔥
KTT2 is in full support of you
thank you, i seriously appreciate anyone who comes in here with blessings or a question.
everything went to plan and i believe he said the next step would be radiation because it is too risky to do another angiogram as far as setbacks go
my surgeon is so legit i trust whatever he wants to do. i was getting transported to the OR waiting room and i saw him in the hallway and all the dude did was wink at me 😂 an actual brain surgeon, but the epitome of calm, cool and collected. he told me a while ago that he was going to get me through this.
yo so i’m gonna ask out this girl from the neuro team when i see her next, ive never even seen her without a mask even lol will report back hopefully it’s better than the nurse from my og stay
yo so i’m gonna ask out this girl from the neuro team when i see her next, ive never even seen her without a mask even lol will report back hopefully it’s better than the nurse from my og stay
she’s not here today, must be a sign
i’m nearing 1 year of this and i’m so close to being straight if my damb hand would just open when i want then the hard part is over can i get this to happen before the 20th or what i feel like i’ve been on the cusp for a while ugh
i’m getting a little discouraged now
I’m glad you’re healing
My nana recently had a stroke. They said it was minor and the only thing affected is her speech. How severe was your stroke and how long did it take you to recover?
I’m glad you’re healing
My nana recently had a stroke. They said it was minor and the only thing affected is her speech. How severe was your stroke and how long did it take you to recover?
very severe, but it was right side brain so it was only physical deficits, coming up on a year, but im still not fully recovered. they said it was unlikely i’d walk again. but instead i’m working on my fine motor leg movements at therapy and the gym. only thing i have left is finger extension and i will have regained both limbs i lost
1 year ago my brain would have been bleeding for about half an hour out of the eventual 16 hours
just had my follow up and there’s one last problem area that needs to be dealt with but it’s at a higher risk for restroke. all options left are at near the same risk level as far as that goes.
late march presumably
updated the op further i should’ve been doing that the whole time, but here we are
updated the op further i should’ve been doing that the whole time, but here we are
glad things are going well so far and hoping the best for the final stretch
you got this op
Hope you’re doing well OP but I got a question; why would you do heavy exercise like lifting if you have a condition like this? I mean no disrespect in this question. That would just personally scare the s*** out of me. Did it hurt?
Hope you’re doing well OP but I got a question; why would you do heavy exercise like lifting if you have a condition like this? I mean no disrespect in this question. That would just personally scare the s*** out of me. Did it hurt?
i didn’t know i had this until i got a CT scan after it was already bleeding for 16 hours. the pain level was the worst headache i’ve ever had.
Honestly in the darkness of the world people like you OP are truly lights of inspiration to keep going. You keep on going & getting better & inspiring us all along the way! We need it & we need people like you 🥰
Honestly in the darkness of the world people like you OP are truly lights of inspiration to keep going. You keep on going & getting better & inspiring us all along the way! We need it & we need people like you 🥰
i didn't want to force some inspirational story, but was just like if that's what people take away from it then i'm happy i can show it. i'm no more special than anyone
when i got home initially my aunt who butts in too much had signs like #RichterStrong at my house and it's just a running joke my sister put one on my bedroom door and we laugh about it. i think that stuff is so corny
God bless @op
Recover and live your life fully beloved. I am glad you’re still here with us. 🙏🏼