almost dying was the BEST thing to ever happen to me
on god this how I feel abt both my nde's
on god this how I feel abt both my nde's
it’s crazy where you’ll find a moment to turn your life around
i had such a good day today while just hanging out w myself today, something the old me couldn’t do
asked my mom what’s the deal w the next surgery and it has to wait until after the gammaknife procedure to see if there’s anything else to be done
so next stop gammaknife, waiting for the call and the date
so sometime last year i decided i wanted to start casually reading, in which i let the book sit under my desk until the end of the year when i had a cognitive stroke which resulted in anterograde amnesia. so after that i’m reading for 15 mins as a daily cognitive exercise resulting in me not remember any of the content i’ve read as soon as i shut the book, so i just finished and now don’t have any clue what i read 🙃
so i wear glasses now because of this :/
and i obviously can’t use contacts
so today at occupational therapy she gave me a couple cognitive tests that i flat out bombed to see where i’m at now and i did SIGNIFICANTLY better which makes sense. i’m also noticing i’m much more aware of my surrounding so i’m definitely getting back to where i should be!!!
in colorado and can’t hike mountains cause of my brain 😤
it cause the elevation or what?
yeah my brain will combust
dang thats a bummer
dang thats a bummer
this is who i am now, it is what it is. the view is still beautiful
this will sound corny but whatever doesnt break you DOES make you stronger
i dont think you'll get back to how you used to be, i think with time, patience and struggle, you'll look back on this and be even better
now i dont know you so im just some person but I honestly believe you will gain something out of this.
whatever happens, dont despair brother
I don't always know a good thing to respond, but just know I love reading your updates and seeing your progress.
Such a crazy thing you went through, its refreshing to see your optimism as you recover and grow within the process.
Much love to ya fam. I hope life only continues to improve and shower you with blessings
I don't always know a good thing to respond, but just know I love reading your updates and seeing your progress.
Such a crazy thing you went through, its refreshing to see your optimism as you recover and grow within the process.
Much love to ya fam. I hope life only continues to improve and shower you with blessings
thank you i appreciate this a ton!! i know i got people like you so i add on you guys in additioned to myself people who want me to get back well!!!
so today at occupational therapy she gave me a couple cognitive tests that i flat out bombed to see where i’m at now and i did SIGNIFICANTLY better which makes sense. i’m also noticing i’m much more aware of my surrounding so i’m definitely getting back to where i should be!!!
def moving to colorado after my surgeries are done
take it back arizona i’m done w snow
take it back arizona i’m done w snow
snow f***in sucks man lmaooo
-sent from new mexico