thats crazy
i always used to be SO tired and always napping when i could now i have been waking up feeling well rested and can get through a whole day np i can’t believe i missed that for the first 24 years of my life
i always used to be SO tired and always napping when i could now i have been waking up feeling well rested and can get through a whole day np i can’t believe i missed that for the first 24 years of my life
s***ty that your brain had to damn near explode to fix this for you but dam if that aint one heck of a silver lining
s***ty that your brain had to damn near explode to fix this for you but dam if that aint one heck of a silver lining
i got so many silver linings from it though so i have no qualms, i’m the best person i can be today because of it
i don’t have dreams anymore since the cognitive stroke i just teleport to when i awake kinda wack dreams were cool
i don’t have dreams anymore since the cognitive stroke i just teleport to when i awake kinda wack dreams were cool
or i can’t remember them due to my amnesia, but even during the night wouldn’t i still experience them? idk
3 year strokiversary this past tuesday shoutout
I remember reading this thread when it first came out glad you’re alright
I remember reading this thread when it first came out glad you’re alright
what a journey brother, couldn’t be better!!!
while im glad that op is fine, i just realized that he doesnt follow me back on ktt, therefor i will have to put a curse on him. Sorry :(
dont worry, the curse wont lead to a setback or anything, but you your d*** will start to hurt
edit: he followed back, so the curse will be revoked!
while im glad that op is fine, i just realized that he doesnt follow me back on ktt, therefor i will have to put a curse on him. Sorry :(
albeit i am EXTREMELY happy w my recovery of my entire left side besides only the one function of hand/finger extension, why the heck wasn’t it in the cards for me to get that back too? like come on why stop at that gimme the full recovery brain!!
i got so many silver linings from it though so i have no qualms, i’m the best person i can be today because of it
prior to this at 24 i had never in my life gotten a full night of sleep, my AVM would pulsate and wake me up for a few seconds 5-6 times a night, ever since this i’ve been getting a proper nights sleep and BOY was i missing out!! i wake up and go through the day well rested it’s crazy
prior to this at 24 i had never in my life gotten a full night of sleep, my AVM would pulsate and wake me up for a few seconds 5-6 times a night, ever since this i’ve been getting a proper nights sleep and BOY was i missing out!! i wake up and go through the day well rested it’s crazy
f*** yea bro
happy for you
my mom and sister are on me because they can see my left arm withering away from not being able to use it so i’m at the gym experimenting w different machines and weights to put my arm in the mix rather than only walking
my mom and sister are on me because they can see my left arm withering away from not being able to use it so i’m at the gym experimenting w different machines and weights to put my arm in the mix rather than only walking
and adding like leg press and abuctor stuff for my left leg