This is without a doubt the best American animation to come around since Avatar and I can see it becoming just as big as that is
JLU, Spectacular Spider-Man, BTAS
Alright not bad. Spectacular Spiderman is too goated too
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t thragg the most powerful viltrumite
Nah there's a uno guy not revealed yet. It's really a toss up for everyone else
JLU, Spectacular Spider-Man, BTAS
Wolverine and the X-men also a GOAT. Young justice too but nah, none of them are competing with Invincible.
The thing about Invincible is that it takes the superhero framework and adds a story like DBZ in it, the entertainment value is through the roof.
Grace has done it again!
! to watch. It’s grace, someone just put down the key information of the interview
So does season 1 cover the first 12 issues?
Kinda? The main plot points yes, but there are some stories spread way into issue 40 that get crunched for episodes in this episode too
Wolverine and the X-men also a GOAT. Young justice too but nah, none of them are competing with Invincible.
The thing about Invincible is that it takes the superhero framework and adds a story like DBZ in it, the entertainment value is through the roof.
Young justice was pretty great but I’m finding season 3 to be a chore
I binged this last night what a ride. I took a peak at the comics just to see differences and skimmed it up to the first few issues and saw amber isnt really as prominent here and it kinda looks like him and eve as teased alot more lol. Maybe cause I was reading too fast but alot of things seems to be shifted around but the general idea and main plot is there for the most part. I couldnt wait for season 2 and 3 so I was just gonna read the comics but its mad different might do it another time. I'm too attached to the animated plot already
Kinda? The main plot points yes, but there are some stories spread way into issue 40 that get crunched for episodes in this episode too
Ok. I started reading earlier yesterday so I was wondering.
I binged this last night what a ride. I took a peak at the comics just to see differences and skimmed it up to the first few issues and saw amber isnt really as prominent here and it kinda looks like him and eve as teased alot more lol. Maybe cause I was reading too fast but alot of things seems to be shifted around but the general idea and main plot is there for the most part. I couldnt wait for season 2 and 3 so I was just gonna read the comics but its mad different might do it another time. I'm too attached to the animated plot already
Naaaah finish the comics. Once you get past this season material you gonna fall in love with the depression of the next two arcs
This is without a doubt the best American animation to come around since Avatar and I can see it becoming just as big as that is
Nah man, it’s too gory
Wolverine and the X-men also a GOAT. Young justice too but nah, none of them are competing with Invincible.
The thing about Invincible is that it takes the superhero framework and adds a story like DBZ in it, the entertainment value is through the roof.
Eh just recency bias imo. It’s one season, 8 episodes at that. Too early to say it’s better than shows that sustained a high quality for 30+ episodes.
Amazing episode, only JK Simmons could voice Omni man tbh
Might have to check the comics
best american animated show ever and its only season 1
Nah you buggin.
Boondocks, Batman the animated series, Justice League Unlimited, The Spectacular Spiderman, Young Justice, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Don't forget Young Justice started really strong too.
This one is definitely the most mature and is satisfying to watch because of that though.