Nah you buggin.
Boondocks, Batman the animated series, Justice League Unlimited, The Spectacular Spiderman, Young Justice, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Don't forget Young Justice started really strong too.
This one is definitely the most mature and is satisfying to watch because of that though.
I’ll say this it’s been a minute since i have seen something so brutal and impactful as the train scene let alone the first half of this finale.
Eh just recency bias imo. It’s one season, 8 episodes at that. Too early to say it’s better than shows that sustained a high quality for 30+ episodes.
I mean they’re following the storyline of one of the greatest comics of all time so pretty hard to mess it up. Similar to Game of Thrones (even though i don’t like the show), the script is already written. Invincible is known as the greatest Image book by consensus. So I don’t see how this doesn’t become the best
It was obvious (after the first ep) the confrontation was coming, but holy s*** the execution
Does Mark only stop aging once he reaches maturity?
Because so far he's been aging normally
Does Mark only stop aging once he reaches maturity?
Because so far he's been aging normally
Yeah, pretty sure he said when you age to a certain point it slows down or something like that
Does Mark only stop aging once he reaches maturity?
Because so far he's been aging normally
The older viltrumites get, the slower they age. In the show they said that he'll be in his 30s for thousands of years
The older viltrumites get, the slower they age. In the show they said that he'll be in his 30s for thousands of years
Talk about a drastic change of pace
Nigga straight up told him everyone he knows and love will die by the time he’s 30 then called his mom a pet lmfao that s*** was wild hahaha
Nah you buggin.
Boondocks, Batman the animated series, Justice League Unlimited, The Spectacular Spiderman, Young Justice, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Don't forget Young Justice started really strong too.
This one is definitely the most mature and is satisfying to watch because of that though.
Yep lot of strong ones.
Castlevania too I would add. Season 1 was just ok, but 2 and 3 are fantastic.
Samurai Jack too.
Nah there's a uno guy not revealed yet. It's really a toss up for everyone else
wym who ya referring to
wym who ya referring to
thragg is the most powerful, everyone else is a toss up in strength
thragg is the most powerful, everyone else is a toss up in strength
o yea fs, thought you meant to say there was a stronger Viltrumite than Thragg.
nah this beating is brutal fam I had to pause this s***
Beat the teeth out his head
thragg is the most powerful, everyone else is a toss up in strength
battle beast 2nd