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  • FREE 💜
    May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    The success of this show is crazy
    And it also got everyone naturally to check out The Boys after
    Amazon struck gold tbh

    Shoutout Seth Rogen and Evan tbh the two of them have been pushing these indie adult comics into the mainstream for the past few years and done great each time.

    Robert Kirkman deserves credit too for being able to adapt his own material this well into a show and getting this team together.

    Rare you see a creator help adapt his s*** and make it even better.

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply


  • I cannot wait to see Battle Beast v Omni Man. That fight is gonna be so f***ing insane

  • May 2, 2021

    Where in the comic does season 1 end?

    13 but reading from the start isn’t bad. There’s little differences here and there but definitely worth it.

  • May 2, 2021

    Where in the comic does season 1 end?

    Issue 13 but I would really just recommend starting the comic from the beginning. The show has some plots from later issues as well that happen earlier in the show too. The general plot is there but there is a lot of story/character differences that they should be treating as their own things.

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply
    Emery Atreides


    Kirkman said there’s gonna be way more even more than there was in the comics

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Kirkman said there’s gonna be way more even more than there was in the comics

    Are you currently reading the comics?

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Are you currently reading the comics?

    Yep absolutely. It’s really easy to with the whole thing split into 3 big compilations and they’re on sale in a lot of places rn so I’m reading it on the iPad but you can do it on your phone or support a comic store which I would’ve loved too despite not being much of a comic guy besides some stuff.

    I’m only 2 days in and it’s super SUPER breezy, easy to take in and addictive to just fly through it

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Yep absolutely. It’s really easy to with the whole thing split into 3 big compilations and they’re on sale in a lot of places rn so I’m reading it on the iPad but you can do it on your phone or support a comic store which I would’ve loved too despite not being much of a comic guy besides some stuff.

    I’m only 2 days in and it’s super SUPER breezy, easy to take in and addictive to just fly through it

    Yeah I’m doing the compendium thing too actually but reading it on my phone. I just finished issue 23 and it was pretty nuts. I think 24 is about to be crazy too judging by the cover.

  • May 2, 2021

    I'm only 2 episodes in but omg this is so good

    Tell me why the jon hamm side story line got me a lil emotional too

  • May 2, 2021

    45:22 - Invincible Finale Talk

    55:16 - Robert Kirkman is on the show

  • proper 🔩
    May 2, 2021
    3 replies

    Cecil said something about hiding omni mans identity but he doesn’t wear a mask

  • May 2, 2021

    this guy omniman a real jerk!

  • 2piece

    So Omnimans people weeded a bunch of super dudes from his planet to keep the strongest ones. Cool.
    Then their immediate thought was what is the most efficient way to take over other planets?!
    Probably using a planet full of fckin super dudes! Wtf.

    All will be explained soon

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    I looked up battle beast and all imma say is what the F*** was he doing freelancing for machinehead of all people lmao

    Someone said it was like kingpin hiring thanos against Spiderman

  • SpongebobGuy13

    Where in the comic does season 1 end?

    Read from the beginning. Too many differences to casually jump in.

  • May 2, 2021

    Cecil said something about hiding omni mans identity but he doesn’t wear a mask

    I think with Omni man its just a superman kinda deal where ppl just dont recognize him even though he literally looks the exact same when hes out of his suit

    Amber and William didnt even recognize Eve either too

  • ragedsycokiller

    Someone said it was like kingpin hiring thanos against Spiderman

    Bruhhhhh I said the exact same thing last night wtf

    But nah that was overkill in every sense of the word

  • May 2, 2021
  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Steven Yeun voice acting is so good in this. Dude is so talented, he should go down as one of the best of his generation when its all said and done.

  • May 2, 2021

    Yeah I’m doing the compendium thing too actually but reading it on my phone. I just finished issue 23 and it was pretty nuts. I think 24 is about to be crazy too judging by the cover.

    Glad to hear can’t wait to see how this all unfolds

  • May 2, 2021

    Steven Yeun voice acting is so good in this. Dude is so talented, he should go down as one of the best of his generation when its all said and done.

    Yeah he’s pretty insane at it, wouldnt be surprised if this landed him more voice acting gigs

    I myself would love to see him do more

  • May 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Shoutout Seth Rogen and Evan tbh the two of them have been pushing these indie adult comics into the mainstream for the past few years and done great each time.

    Robert Kirkman deserves credit too for being able to adapt his own material this well into a show and getting this team together.

    Rare you see a creator help adapt his s*** and make it even better.

    Indie comics Lowkey adapt better 🤷🏿‍♂️. They got Sweet Tooth and Jupiter ascending coming out. I need Chew and Spawn out too

  • FREE 💜
    May 2, 2021

    Cecil said something about hiding omni mans identity but he doesn’t wear a mask

    Keep in this show is also partially a parody so that's kind of the joke like how Amber and Marks friend thought Eve was DupliKate even tho Eve is a white ginger and Kate is an Asian girl.

  • May 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Should i read the comics? I do but i also don’t want to because i wanna go through the show and still be surprised

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