the interpersonal drama stuff in this season was much improved i think - lots of good character development across the cast. the amber/mark maybe dragged on a lil bit but overall was done really well i think.
honestly, watching s1 back recently, i think a lot of the main criticisms of 2 are also true of that but the stinger to episode 1 at least gives the rest of the episodes this mystery through line and obviously the big season conclusion. i think maybe the Angstrom Levy stuff was meant to do the same here but he is obviously off screen for like 90% of episodes 1-7 so it doesn't quite land the same way. fight in last episode was cool - would prob say the s1 event fights were better but the viltrumite one in 2, gotg/lizard league fight and this were mostly good to very good too.
main criticisms really are: too much setup for future stuff regardless of how cool it will be is gonna annoy viewers; long wait plus break were annoying; and animation kinda blows still, im not a stickler for animation but it looks awful here so much still. show deserves better.
sad its gonna be at least a year for next season i hope they do a rex special at least
its fun seeing show only watchers talk about the finale/s2 In retrospect n speculating about what’s gonna happen next
They’re really doing such a great job elevating the experience through the animation and voice acting
Wtf is that emoji lmao I love it imma use it a lot now
Pretty solid finale. Don't like how both Duplikate AND Shrinking Rae both survived what looked like certain death a few episodes ago tho. I can forgive Duplikate still being alive and hiding the real version of herself tho thats smart, plus it gives Immortal a much-needed happy moment. That other girl got ate and still somehow survived tho which is complete bullshit to me.
Other than that tho overall the seasons been great. It could've been better but oh well, I'm optimistic about season 3, they've got all the building blocks there for it to be insane.
Rex too wtf that seemed like it was gonna be a huge impactful scene but it ended up having no permanent consequences
I wish they had tied up all the loose ends but I’m so glad they didn’t stuff the Viltramite storyline into the last five minutes …it really felt like they were about to do that and I was pissed lmao
People talking about season 2 setting up plot lines but who remembers these guys
huge huge massively spoilery leaks from last two eps of the season THREE . don't peep if u haven't read the comics. but the fact that this stuff is done already is giving me hope it sounds like they r rlly deep into production already.
invincible war and conquest in the same season
People talking about season 2 setting up plot lines but who remembers these guys the 2 I was hoping would show up in the 2nd season
Rewatching this from the beginning before I start s2. Just finished episode 1, and man you really forget just how brutal that ending was.
huge huge massively spoilery leaks from last two eps of the season THREE . don't peep if u haven't read the comics. but the fact that this stuff is done already is giving me hope it sounds like they r rlly deep into production already.
invincible war and conquest in the same season
Dawg these are massive spoilers lmao
Dawg these are massive spoilers lmao
and i said as much and spoilered em !!
Where did these leak?
4chan apparently so take em with a grain of salt ig but they rlly do seem like legit character sheets
huge huge massively spoilery leaks from last two eps of the season THREE . don't peep if u haven't read the comics. but the fact that this stuff is done already is giving me hope it sounds like they r rlly deep into production already.
invincible war and conquest in the same season
Whew season 3 gonna be better than season 2 (fight wise)
How will they do the Invincible War arc if the person who triggered it in the comics is dead in the show?
How will they do the Invincible War arc if the person who triggered it in the comics is dead in the show?
You're reading the comics or show only?
How will they do the Invincible War arc if the person who triggered it in the comics is dead in the show?
You think he’s dead?
You're reading the comics or show only?
I read the entire comic before season 1
You think he’s dead?
I dont remember him coming back after that but then again it's been a long time since I read the comics