Rae shoulda died imo
i hope they dont do this in future szns lol
s***s annoying
the biggest thing that botheres me is why future eve called robot rex. I thought that was rudy lol
the biggest thing that botheres me is why future eve called robot rex. I thought that was rudy lol
It’s a spoiler, but just remember Rudy is a clone of Rex
why all these fake out deaths lol
decent szn tho
Super corny
The dopple ganger girl had an excuse by hiding a clone far away, but the other chick literally got eaten chewed and crushed
Rex shoulda died too with the amount of damage he took
Super corny
The dopple ganger girl had an excuse by hiding a clone far away, but the other chick literally got eaten chewed and crushed
Rex shoulda died too with the amount of damage he took
yeah idk how he has a enhanced body like that lol
Angstrom being confused about him saving mark is how I felt. Completely forgot about that part
Angstrom being confused about him saving mark is how I felt. Completely forgot about that part
Because only 1 universe him and mark are actually both good. The memories f***ed him up
That information was removed. Hope they go ahead and announce it though. This show deserves a secure future.
That information was removed. Hope they go ahead and announce it though. This show deserves a secure future.
They outsourcing to north korea?!?!?!?
They outsourcing to north korea?!?!?!?
That's fire
They outsourcing to north korea?!?!?!?
And this s*** still looks like an after school special??
They outsourcing to north korea?!?!?!?
" In a statement to CNN, California-based Skybound Entertainment, which produces “Invincible” for Amazon, said it does not contract with Chinese or North Korean companies and has no knowledge of such companies working on “Invincible.” Skybound Entertainment said it would investigate the research that CNN presented.
“Our contracts specifically prohibit outsourcing to any third-party without our express prior written consent, and no such consent has been sought nor granted,” Skybound Entertainment spokesperson Hannah Cosgrove said. Skybound Entertainment is “taking this matter very seriously” and has “started an investigation to get to the bottom of this with third party counsel,” Cosgrove added."
Watch the next season get delayed lmao
Finished the comics. Not sure what to think, and i cant compare to other comics cause i havent completely read any others really
Finished the comics. Not sure what to think, and i cant compare to other comics cause i havent completely read any others really
Was it a good experience? Did you enjoy the comics? Anything you thought was great or could've been done better? No comment?
Was it a good experience? Did you enjoy the comics? Anything you thought was great or could've been done better? No comment?
Hesitant to go into details cause i dont want to spoil anything for ppl who will only watch the show. I wouldnt call these spoilers but i know some can be sensitive about this stuff:
I think some significant moments were underwhelming. I think i saw someone itt say the last arc was a bit underwhelming, I'd agree.
I dont see how the show couldnt improve upon it. I reckon the show will do the overall story better, extrapolating from how what theyve covered in season 1 and 2 and how theyve cut out some of the comics bs.
Overall I enjoyed it and the many twists kept me reading. But the end just seemed a bit too straightforward for me.
Hesitant to go into details cause i dont want to spoil anything for ppl who will only watch the show. I wouldnt call these spoilers but i know some can be sensitive about this stuff:
I think some significant moments were underwhelming. I think i saw someone itt say the last arc was a bit underwhelming, I'd agree.
I dont see how the show couldnt improve upon it. I reckon the show will do the overall story better, extrapolating from how what theyve covered in season 1 and 2 and how theyve cut out some of the comics bs.
Overall I enjoyed it and the many twists kept me reading. But the end just seemed a bit too straightforward for me.
Appreciate your thoughts. I'm guessing this will be the same case with The Boys where the show improves upon the source material
These needle drop moments for the montages or emotional moments are getting repetitive, but I'm digging the writing and the action.
Run The Jewels at the end of episode 4
Finished S2
This show can get punishingly dour in certain moments, which started to wear me down. I'm not asking for slapstick, but damn, everybody either grieving, or self doubting, and yeah some of this stuff is rooted in very real, very important everyday issues, but it felt one-note, with spurts of light moments.
The action is still good, the animation still not so great. I get why this show is screened weekly now. It definitely gets creative, but the formula became apparent while binge watching.