I see you haven’t had the religious experience of being in a theater where everyone recites it line for line
My account “showed excessive purchases at multiple locations with overlapping showtimes”
Paid discount to watch the new Godzilla x Kong movie. Then I saw on the app they had a month for .99¢ and I watched invisible man and immaculate the same day. Tbh it’s worth it even at full price.
Even if the movies ain’t the greatest at least it’s entertaining. I’ll be living in the theatre for the next few months. Highly recommend
About to go on a crazy run
I just joined again recently
Need to go see planet of the apes
said f*** it and paid for A list today since the closest one is like 10 minutes. I’m already saving some $$$, why wasn’t I doing this sooner?!
Not to be a creep but we go to the same theater
didn’t know you were Texas fam
I’ve been going there since I was a kid
They need to upgrade their imax seats though
didn’t know you were Texas fam
I’ve been going there since I was a kid
They need to upgrade their imax seats though
same same, i grew up in that area. actually just moved to memorial city so i go to a regal now but yea the AMC First Colony lowkey trash no lie. screens are terrible and imax seats are the same s***s they been using for the past 20 years!!
Real A-List/Fathom Event s***
Real for picking Substance, going to that showing too transformers had a fan showing that day too but I’m way more hyped for substance
Price increase coming in May. I guess price varies based on where you live, but for me it's going up to $25.99. I don't remember what I was paying before, somewhere in the mid 20s.
Good news is they're upgrading to 4 movies a week. I don't usually even see 3 movies a week, but there are times when the 4th movie will definitely come in handy. I definitely could've used that last December, so I'm happy.
Insanely good value. It went up 2 dollars for 4 extra films a month, if you see them in Dolby or IMAX thats over 100 dollars worth more value.
Can't be too mad when they're giving us an extra weekly movie
This is how you increase monthly fees
Yeah it sucks to see a price increase, but they give you more to make up for it, not less
I don’t have AMC A-List but it’s $25 here in Cali and going up to $26. For an extra dollar, you can see an extra movie a week
You can see 16 movies for less than $2. Hell of a deal to me