  • Aug 2, 2022
    internet buddy

    Kim as a girl spinoff

    Kim as a boy spin-off

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I really need to rewatch this whole thing when it wraps because you guys bring up human beings that I swear I’ve never seen before in my life

    can't forget about Bromar either

  • Everest

    Jessie’s voice just sounds different now too

    Cranston still got it tho maybe it helped that they kept him in a hat

    every time we see them they're playing early Jesse and Walt and not the later seasons. It's harder to pull off for Jesse, he doesn't look that different from szn 5 but from 2 it's big difference.

  • Aug 2, 2022
    Bo Ceephus

    There were some dumb motherfuckers in here thinking this was actually going to have a happy ending.

    What show do you think you've been watching all this time?

    It’s probably gonna be happy in some way, even if Saul is punished.

    Like, Walt bled to death, but he came to terms with who he was. Of all the ways he could have gone out, he died like a g. He seemed at peace.

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Nah f*** my plug lemme get yours

    you was right my g, i gave you your props earlier in the thread

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Imagine next episode opens with kim on the other end of the phone call


  • Aug 2, 2022

    My main theory rn is Kim getting told by her old job that someone was looking for her, she connects the dots it was Jimmy, but after hearing all the despicable s*** he was connected to her meeting with him will really be to turn him into the police, finally choosing to be a good person instead of slipping back into the lies and deceit Jimmy pushed her to.

    I don’t think that’d be a satisfying arc for Kim tbh. The last thing we see is her being all h**** with evil energy, and then all of a sudden she’s gonna, what, break good? It might feel a little out of place.

  • gene true scum

  • Aug 2, 2022


  • Aug 2, 2022

    Wendys again my goodness f*** ifc

    So… r u saying you don’t want a fry-five?

  • Aug 2, 2022

    I don't want this to end

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    This thread got the worst theories I ever seen holy s*** someone really said what if Kim died longtime ago and that's why Jimmy smashed the phone

  • Osama bin Harden

    That transition from the grave to Gene He really buried himself getting involved with them.

    one of the best transitions they've ever done

  • Fitzy

    we think Walt and Jesse get one more scene like what Bryan Cranston said?

    I’m fine with the way they left it
    The parallel between Saul/Gene coming for the cancer man was cool

    Yeah I read just the other day "they filmed 3 scenes" so I suspect it'll be one scene for each of the final 3 eps.

    This felt WAY better than the Walt El Camino cameo somehow, prob due to the beanies I guess but it was smooth af and had me grinning ear to ear the whole time

    Brilliant ep all around, next week Vince about to bless us too

  • Aug 2, 2022
    3 replies

    Kinda felt like they tried their best to hide Aaron Paul’s face lmao

  • Aug 2, 2022
    Bo Ceephus


    Every single member of both casts look like they're pushing 70

    Can't wait for 60 year old Aaron Paul to play 13 year old Jesse in the next Breaking Bad prequel

  • Aug 2, 2022
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Kinda felt like they tried their best to hide Aaron Paul’s face lmao

    it was so hard to ignore his voice too

    that nigga cranston got it tho

  • Aug 2, 2022

    My nigga Bill made it 😂😂😂

  • Aug 2, 2022
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Kinda felt like they tried their best to hide Aaron Paul’s face lmao

    When I see him in other s*** I’m like “that’s Jesse man” but both in el Camino and here it’s just so different

  • Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Kinda felt like they tried their best to hide Aaron Paul’s face lmao

    lmao yeah in El Camino you're with him in like every scene so you just get used to how he looks, but here it really sticks out

    Heard someone also saying they used CGI to remove a beard, but I don't actually see any evidence of that at least

  • internet buddy

    Kim as a girl spinoff

    “Payphone Call Kim” new episodes every Monday.

  • Great episode but frustrating to watch…purposely so.

    it is not too surprising in terms of Saul’s character development, especially after the last episode and him still wanting that lifestyle. Not quitting when you’re ahead is a consistent theme of the breaking bad universe. everyone gets eaten alive in the end.

  • Aug 2, 2022

    This thread got the worst theories I ever seen holy s*** someone really said what if Kim died longtime ago and that's why Jimmy smashed the phone

    People in this section and thread aren’t the brightest bunch

  • Aug 2, 2022
    2 replies

    I dont wanna believe that this is who Jimmy truly is, but I can't deny it. Damn

  • Aug 2, 2022
    3 replies

    Man..... Need to know what was said between Gene and Kim in the phone booth