  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I dont wanna believe that this is who Jimmy truly is, but I can't deny it. Damn

    Ah, the ol' Vince/Peter special of having characters that you want to love do despicable, indefensible things

  • Aug 2, 2022

    I guess Walt desensitized Jimmy against empathizing with people who have cancer

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    that 37 min transition might be the greatest of all time

    greatest of all time

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Bryan definitely jumped back into that role better than Aaron

    Facts. I was thinking about how weird it must be to revisit roles from an actors' past and it's probably like acting yourself acting the character instead of just acting the character. But Bryan is built different, just went right to it

  • Aug 2, 2022
    Chuck McGill

    DeNiro invented

  • Aug 2, 2022

    The more I think about it the more I don't think Gene actually got ahold of Kim. I really think he would've just been devastated and sad even if she reprimanded and scolded him. Don't think he would've freaked out on her. But he would freak out if he lost his lead

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Gotta say, as great as these past two episodes have been, feel like I would have enjoyed them wayyy more if I never read the quotes from Peter and the gang talking about how the ending to this series is going to be extremely surprising and unique.

    Still nothing shocking, just kinda feels like I’m watching Gene replay his old self-destructive tendencies in ways very reminiscent of season 1 and pre-series with Marco. Not that it doesn’t feel natural and true to who he is, because it definitely does

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Also, I think I know why the next episode is called “Waterworks” now… because when Jimmy calls for Kim, he calls a Sprinkler company

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Man..... Need to know what was said between Gene and Kim in the phone booth

    I think she never got on the phone at all. Refused to speak to him

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Ah, the ol' Vince/Peter special of having characters that you want to love do despicable, indefensible things

    Every time nacho was forced to wild out I hated it

  • Aug 2, 2022

    can’t wait to rewatch

    BCS S1–S6 ep. 8

    BB S1–S5

    BCS S6 ep. 9–13

    in that order

    might be an insane rewatch order

  • WRU

    that 37 min transition might be the greatest of all time

    greatest of all time

    into Kim's bootyhole and out of Walt's nose, what did I tell you guys

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    can’t wait to rewatch

    BCS S1–S6 ep. 8

    BB S1–S5

    BCS S6 ep. 9–13

    in that order

    and skip El Camino, smooth move

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Man..... Need to know what was said between Gene and Kim in the phone booth

    I maintain that he didn't get a hold of Kim. But if it was Kim I believe we'll get her perspective of the phone call and what was said in the next episode.

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    another week

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    Still didn’t understand the RV scene. Who were those two and what did they want?

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply
    Pesos Euros

    Still didn’t understand the RV scene. Who were those two and what did they want?

    Just two amateur meth cooks lol they're insignificant

  • Aug 2, 2022

    Just two amateur meth cooks lol they're insignificant

    Oh ok I feel like we’re too late into the show to introduce new irrelevant characters

  • Aug 2, 2022

    the more I think about it the less I f*** with Gene man

    his ties to both his previous and (apparently?) the life before are now gone. nothing to live for, hes got money for sustenance, living off this serial killer double life, a husk of a man he was several times over, getting in with some small timers in the middle of nowhere. just sad stuff where you dont even wanna root for him, just wanna see what happened to the only other person who got out before everything truly went down the gutter

    then again, him ending up in jail wouldn't be fitting, so i also want to see how they'll metaphorically 'finish him off'

  • Kako

    He deserves it for being a piece of s*** in Home Alone

    HOLY S***

  • Aug 2, 2022
    1 reply

    I dont wanna believe that this is who Jimmy truly is, but I can't deny it. Damn

    chuck was right

  • Cranston went from 53-66, Paul 29-42.

    makes sense

  • this episode completely changed breaking bad tbh

    jimmy is the one that also f\*\*\*ed up everything by taking walt serious