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  • Updated Nov 27, 2023

    Government hires the most workers

    Even entities that don’t work for government make most their income from government contracts

    Government gives subsidies to companies and helps keep afloat companies that would go bankrupt otherwise if not for government help

    Since the government hires the most people it is fair to assume I believe that most products bought in the market are due to government employees and therefore it is the government sustaining the market

    A lot of innovations are due to government, wether that be military or public universities, or even military(I.e government) contracting

  • Nov 27, 2023

    One thing I need help finding, if some one can lend a hand, is figuring out the tax bracket distribution of individual tax revenue. Basically how much each income range is giving. Exact numbers please (an irs link or something)

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply


  • Nov 27, 2023

    Delete this before we start bombing ourselves

  • Nov 27, 2023
    Big Tobacco


    I forgot to add at the end it’s a poorly balanced socialist system. But regardless I think these things are telling of society we live in

  • Nov 27, 2023

    The free market exists purely because of traditionalist reasons. And yes tradition. Not lobbying, not gate keeping, but purely tradition and the lore of capital we adore so much

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    I lied, the main reason capital exists is convenience

  • Nov 27, 2023

    Money is convenient to our trendingly socialist society.

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    The stock market is a kind of socialism, if we are being completely honest. Communities come together to promote company growth.

  • Nov 27, 2023

    The stock market is a kind of socialism, if we are being completely honest. Communities come together to promote company growth.

    Publicly traded, the disparity in stock possession being wealth

  • Nov 27, 2023

    Wealth is tradition, we know most wealth has been inherited, wealth is tradition, like a holiday or something

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Schizo thread

  • Nov 27, 2023

    hell yeah brother

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    Schizo thread

    Just a stream of conscious, just thoughts being spoken. The problem is everyone thinks they are so knowledgeable and smart. Socrates already showed the limits of you sophists. (Not to say you specifically). The truth is vague and viscerally complex. Or rather our truth is vague since we can’t comprehend its complexity.

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Just a stream of conscious, just thoughts being spoken. The problem is everyone thinks they are so knowledgeable and smart. Socrates already showed the limits of you sophists. (Not to say you specifically). The truth is vague and viscerally complex. Or rather our truth is vague since we can’t comprehend its complexity.

    You couldn't pass a high school civics class with this take brother. Read more. Talk/watch less.

  • Nov 27, 2023

    But I’m not speaking out my ass, ive learned and experienced. Better to speak from wisdom than knowledge. Better knowledge than ignorance. Better ignorance then defeat and complacency and cynicism

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply
    Block Muteson

    You couldn't pass a high school civics class with this take brother. Read more. Talk/watch less.

    Ahhh pettiness and smug. Hello contempt my old friend

  • Nov 27, 2023
    2 replies

    Ahhh pettiness and smug. Hello contempt my old friend

    I'm encouraging you to seriously, earnestly research what you're talking about. If you're capable of that. I'll even recommend a book!

    Contending Economic Theories by Wolff and Resnick

  • Nov 27, 2023
    Block Muteson

    I'm encouraging you to seriously, earnestly research what you're talking about. If you're capable of that. I'll even recommend a book!

    Contending Economic Theories by Wolff and Resnick

    The problem is you seem to believe your research right, often there are opposing opinions. And those researchers you hold on a pedestal are victims of the pedagogy and bias they’ve been exposed. Learning does help sculpt and define idea. Though I can’t say it does the same for the truth!

  • Nov 27, 2023
    Block Muteson

    I'm encouraging you to seriously, earnestly research what you're talking about. If you're capable of that. I'll even recommend a book!

    Contending Economic Theories by Wolff and Resnick

    But maybe I’ve been led astray once again by insults. Excuse me. What is it exactly you find fault with?

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    It is true I have b******ized the idea of “socialism” from what you conceive of it in your heads and from your learning. I have indeed reduced it to a simpler form while keeping some of its defining motifs

  • Nov 27, 2023

    mashallah brother

  • Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    I lied, the main reason capital exists is convenience

    convenience for whom?

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 27, 2023

    There are only two types of countries, anarchies and socialism, so this is correct

  • Nessy 🦎
    Nov 27, 2023
    1 reply

    Read op like yea that’s a nice description of neoliberalism

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