  • NiceLikeChrist

    Universal health care doesn’t really help with a pandemic if that’s what you’re implying

    Also this

  • Mar 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Universal health care doesn’t really help with a pandemic if that’s what you’re implying

    of course it does, universal health care means more people are regularly visiting doctors when sick or feeling symptoms (as they should, but instead ppl are scared they can’t afford it) which means likely things such as this would be spotted and handled accordingly early, helping mitigate spread and quarantine as necessary

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    I have a lot of conservative co-workers and when we talk about something like UBI or Universal Healthcare the conversation usually goes.

    "Yeah I mean with an extra 1000 a month I could do x,y,z but people who don't deserve it are going to get it too." It almost seems like despite the hyper individualistic attitude people can't just worry about themselves.

  • Mar 22, 2020


  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    America is a super unhealthy country, and we are also very selfish, it would go terribly wrong to give us universal healthcare.

  • Mar 22, 2020

    of course it does, universal health care means more people are regularly visiting doctors when sick or feeling symptoms (as they should, but instead ppl are scared they can’t afford it) which means likely things such as this would be spotted and handled accordingly early, helping mitigate spread and quarantine as necessary

    Facts lol u know how many times I done had to thug out s*** wen I was young just cuz I didn’t have it ? Lol other people would’ve been dead

  • Mar 22, 2020

    this is not solely a republican thing lmoa

    the democrats dont like poor people either

    Yall whole political system filled w millionaires

  • Mar 22, 2020
    look at dis

    Nigga cuz it's expensive if I was a country id charge ppl for it too TF .

    There would be a charge for it

    It's called taxes

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    America is a super unhealthy country, and we are also very selfish, it would go terribly wrong to give us universal healthcare.

    you’re a moron

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    of course it does, universal health care means more people are regularly visiting doctors when sick or feeling symptoms (as they should, but instead ppl are scared they can’t afford it) which means likely things such as this would be spotted and handled accordingly early, helping mitigate spread and quarantine as necessary

    It also means more people are visiting doctors when they don’t actually need to because cost is no longer a deterrent

    One of the biggest problems at my hospital is that people keep coming in with 99.5 temps and a mild cough. This is no reason to go to a hospital but during a pandemic people are gonna be overly worried.

    This means we have more people in waiting rooms, more people exposed to pathogens, more equipment being used, more people we need to assess. And most of these people shouldn’t even be there. Imagine how many would show up if everything was free.

    What we need to beat a pandemic is equipment and tests. If we don’t have this free health care just exacerbates the problem.

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Humans have no inherent value other than the money they earn.

    Holy s*** that’s what you think?

  • Mar 22, 2020

    It also means more people are visiting doctors when they don’t actually need to because cost is no longer a deterrent

    One of the biggest problems at my hospital is that people keep coming in with 99.5 temps and a mild cough. This is no reason to go to a hospital but during a pandemic people are gonna be overly worried.

    This means we have more people in waiting rooms, more people exposed to pathogens, more equipment being used, more people we need to assess. And most of these people shouldn’t even be there. Imagine how many would show up if everything was free.

    What we need to beat a pandemic is equipment and tests. If we don’t have this free health care just exacerbates the problem.

    well yeah, bc we don’t have universal health care, our system is best equipped to only deal with a fraction of the population and cater to the class we just described - the people who are able to regularly visit the doctor. if we had universal health care our hospitals and institutions would be better positioned to handle the larger population as a whole and be better off in cases such as looming pandemics

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Universal health care doesn’t really help with a pandemic if that’s what you’re implying

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Universal healthcare doesn’t really help when people get sick

  • Mar 22, 2020

    Money doesn’t really help when people need money

  • Mar 22, 2020

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    you’re a moron

    If we had universal healthcare we’d have a ton of people abusing it, and that would have an increase in how much it costs to maintain it, it’s not a good idea, it works countries that have a smaller, more health conscious population like Sweden, but here? No, and to be quite honest, a lot of Americans don’t even deserve it.

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    Universal healthcare is good if done properly but europe just gets a ton of “refugees” and s*** coz of it

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply
    · edited

    Universal healthcare is good if done properly but europe just gets a ton of “refugees” and s*** coz of it

    That’s not solely because of healthcare

    That’s because of the geographical location

  • Mar 22, 2020
    2 replies
    free world

    That’s not solely because of healthcare

    That’s because of the geographical location

    No it is literally because of the laxed welfare rules

    Uk is no where near muslim countries lmao

  • Mar 22, 2020
    1 reply

    If we had universal healthcare we’d have a ton of people abusing it, and that would have an increase in how much it costs to maintain it, it’s not a good idea, it works countries that have a smaller, more health conscious population like Sweden, but here? No, and to be quite honest, a lot of Americans don’t even deserve it.

    Fix the diet and s*** not the healthcare

    People are so f***ing dumb they cry about the stuff done to treat lroblems but make no attempt to stop the problems in the first place

    Be responsible for ur own health before u complain about healthcare tbh

  • Mar 22, 2020

    This pandemic really brought it to me, a lot of you guys don't have insurance and would be f***ed by a sudden illness or injury. Can you explain it to someone outside. Seems like a no brainer to me

    Lots of people will die yearly because this private healthcare guilhotine system USA governnent on some scummy s***

  • Mar 22, 2020
    2 replies

    Fix the diet and s*** not the healthcare

    People are so f***ing dumb they cry about the stuff done to treat lroblems but make no attempt to stop the problems in the first place

    Be responsible for ur own health before u complain about healthcare tbh

    Exactly, that’s why I brought up a country like Sweden, universal healthcare works there because most of their population is very healthy so it’s not such an important thing, if we had that here there’d be people going to the doctors office or emergency room all the time because they’re very unhealthy and they aren’t paying for it anymore, it’d be abused like crazy

  • Synopsis

    this is not solely a republican thing lmoa

    the democrats dont like poor people either

    Our government, no matter Republican or Democrat, doesn’t give a f*** about people at the bottom of the totem pole