Why do you want me to play something I know i'm not gonna like so bad lol
You’re the one talking about the album you decided you wouldn’t like before « skimming » it. Just go elsewhere if you don’t want to be treated like a bad faith hater, or maybe you do want to be a hater and treated like one, if that’s the case I apologize for taking the bait.
guys check out leaked site im not tryna get in trouble
😭 u good
You’re the one talking about the album you decided you wouldn’t like before « skimming » it. Just go elsewhere if you don’t want to be treated like a bad faith hater, or maybe you do want to be a hater and treated like one, if that’s the case I apologize for taking the bait.
Oh no someone doesn't like something! It's the end of the world man!
because you don't know that, anytime you venture out of your comfort zone musically it's a normal feeling to be off put, but if it's someone you respect (im pretty sure ive seen you gush about Outkast or love below in some form) why not give it a real chance?
Like the first time I heard someone like Mingus or even Flying Lotus in his more experimental bag it didn't hit because there was no context for it, but as you build a palette for different types of music it starts to reveal itself in beautiful ways
Flying Lotus is my favorite producer of all time, I have everything he's ever done, i've posted in this thread that Andre should work with him.
Anything else
First 2 tracks were kinda slow or long to me, still enjoyed them, but from the third track it really started to kick in.
Very warm sounds, spacious, airy, I think this can be listened in many environments especially outside, I will listen tomorrow while being out.
Light pads, keys, strings, bells, cymbals, synths, shakers..and the leading sound of the flute(s), the album sounds like you go through some kind of indigenous ritual in the forest I hope this gets released on vinyl.
Personal highlights: that night in hawaii, buypolodisorder and ghandi, dalai lama
If you're a fan of desert sand feels warm at night, oneohtrix point never, harold budd or ktt2's very own hyperufo , you will definitely like this one
What kind of drums on this
not that it matters
probably some sort of timpani or big drums
Do you think with him saying he put out music anonymously even on albums of other artists he meant „HOT WINDS BLOW“ by Tyler?
Can I get a leak
follow back and check dms
last track feels like liberation
It seems like a weird choice to start the album with two digital flute songs, not sure how much real flute there will be. Especially since on the second song it literally just sounds like a synth.
wish I had this album when I first tripped off the acid in the hills with my homies
can u send one too fam too curious rn
follow back and check dms
What kind of drums on this
not that it matters
On the first 2 tracks, barely any, some cymbals and shakers or something maybe
this is the music that frank ocean wants to do for those blonded radio interviews