  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    Haven’t listened but we got mfs in here a***yzing his flute skills? I never seen anyone discuss the flute before now we got experts

    You got ears bro? It sounds literally sore to the ears... And it ain't that I'm an expert cause I ain't. The problem is it makes him look MAAD corny, to even think he's pretentious enough to pull this off, just put out a flute album that no one really tryna hear but a minority when he has a huge fan base (and he just f***ing sucks at the flute), if he don't want a fan base then so be it, but he seems to have a minority hoodwinked, so maybe he did to a small extent, but they same people would give 90 mins of 3k s***ting violently into the mic a 10/10 regardless then forget it even existed a month later and realise the disappointment it was.

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    And yes, aware he said it was not going to be a rap album before it came out, I knew that. I expected good music. Not a dude that took ayahuasca a few times, became a hippie and suddenly thinks he CAN play a F***ING FLUTE. He practiced for 10 years? It doesn't show. But everyone around 3k would tell him its godly level music no matter what he did so it dont really matter

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    at least something I don't like doesn't live rent free in my head and I actually have friends

    you're on here wasting your time more than i do virgin you aint s*** but a nerd

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Album sounds even better with a great hifi setup at home.

    Mans really said hifi in 2023

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Bro if you need the correct setting and time of day to 'enjoy' a record, you already know you're expecting to not like it and setting up a perfect scenario where it might be decent. It is bad. Objectively bad. He barely even actually playing the flute, more so humming most of the time, all of it is improv so no chord progressions, it's all over the place. Ambient Music doesn't mean just go in the booth with no talent on a flute and just do whatever comes to mind, he's an incredible song writer, incredible lyricist, even a good singer. But a good flute player he is not.

    It's more about having the optimal first listen, I do this for albums or movies I've been looking forward to a lot

  • Nov 18, 2023

    s/o Nance a young goat love to see this type of s*** fr

  • Nov 18, 2023

    And yes, aware he said it was not going to be a rap album before it came out, I knew that. I expected good music. Not a dude that took ayahuasca a few times, became a hippie and suddenly thinks he CAN play a F***ING FLUTE. He practiced for 10 years? It doesn't show. But everyone around 3k would tell him its godly level music no matter what he did so it dont really matter

    Dude do you ever shut up i swear i got a full night of sleep and youre still in here barking

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Bro if you need the correct setting and time of day to 'enjoy' a record, you already know you're expecting to not like it and setting up a perfect scenario where it might be decent. It is bad. Objectively bad. He barely even actually playing the flute, more so humming most of the time, all of it is improv so no chord progressions, it's all over the place. Ambient Music doesn't mean just go in the booth with no talent on a flute and just do whatever comes to mind, he's an incredible song writer, incredible lyricist, even a good singer. But a good flute player he is not.

    Straight up this is proof you didnt listen to the album or you did and you have zero musical sensibility

  • Nov 18, 2023

    The music sucks is my main gripe. No gripe with people buying it, just 3k's audacity to sell it to his fans, he may as well have slapped them instead

    No one told you to buy it tho. That’s my stance, your listening to it for free while paying Steve Jobs. Like it or not you still listened.

  • Nov 18, 2023

    You got ears bro? It sounds literally sore to the ears... And it ain't that I'm an expert cause I ain't. The problem is it makes him look MAAD corny, to even think he's pretentious enough to pull this off, just put out a flute album that no one really tryna hear but a minority when he has a huge fan base (and he just f***ing sucks at the flute), if he don't want a fan base then so be it, but he seems to have a minority hoodwinked, so maybe he did to a small extent, but they same people would give 90 mins of 3k s***ting violently into the mic a 10/10 regardless then forget it even existed a month later and realise the disappointment it was.

    I got ears, not good enough for a flute if I’m being honest

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    yea this was really nice. perfect for meditation, tripping, airports, and deep focus

    gonna see how I feel after a few more listens but this definitely AOTY contender in my book, tho I get it's not for everybody

    AOTY, alright let’s settle down here

  • YungThuggaDaGoat

    NPCs struggling to listen to this. Trying to convince themselves they are so open minded.

    What blows my mind is the NPC nocking this don’t even realize this s*** ain’t scratching the surface lmao there is some other crazy ambient music and classical music out there that would probably send them into a coma

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Be interesting to see how the industry reviews it

    I think people need to focus more on the "I"s and "me"s of his statement. because he seems to only be framing it for himself. and that should be respected period imo.

    I think the "not to say that age is a thing that dictates what YOU rap about, but in a way it does" is throwing people off cause it's the one time in the response he uses "you" instead of "I" but it was probably a mistake. he's just talking about his experience, I'm sure 3K doesn't care if other 40 year olds are rapping.

    edit: oh nvm y'all already broke it down next page lol

  • TheGhost

    The music sucks is my main gripe. No gripe with people buying it, just 3k's audacity to sell it to his fans, he may as well have slapped them instead

    Why you framing your words like 3 Stacks swindled people it’s a f***in ambient album bro. Listen to new s*** man.

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    AOTY, alright let’s settle down here

    respect my "in my book" qualifier

    this year been underwhelming for me and no album has really moved me that much. New Blue Son is like one of three albums this year that I loved after first listen so we'll see how it grows on me

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    respect my "in my book" qualifier

    this year been underwhelming for me and no album has really moved me that much. New Blue Son is like one of three albums this year that I loved after first listen so we'll see how it grows on me

    what's the other 2 brodie

  • Nov 18, 2023
    2 replies
    provider 4 u

    what's the other 2 brodie

    Sampha & Lana Del Ray

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Sampha & Lana Del Ray

    whew. Lana AOTY.

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Mans really said hifi in 2023

    I did. What’s up?

  • Nov 18, 2023

    we got members since 2023 saying "hey ya wasn't great" now

    its over

    It’s not really a new opinion per se, a lot of old head Outkast fans think they fell off after the 90s

  • Can we get Vlad, Elliott, and Adam 22 out of here already?

  • Root

    Be interesting to see how the industry reviews it

    HIGHKEY.. he’s probably the most geninue music journalist we have but I know KTT gonna disagree

  • Nov 18, 2023

    Cutty got some slappers on this joint. I'm glad he said some niggas was gonna do yoga to this because that's my first move

    A little Yoga Nidra, tea, and 3 stacks sounds like a time

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    Hey Ya wasn't great but this makes it sound like the best piece of music i ever heard. Be honest - did you want 90 mins of flute playing from andre for his debut No you didn't. Don't even lie

    Pls never have kids
    I dont want your trash ass taste gettin spread thru your DNA

    Hey Ya is one of the greatest pop tracks OAT

  • Nov 18, 2023
    1 reply

    I don’t know how you can hear an album full of lush synths and ambient flutes and feel anger