I wouldn't be opposed to that but I still feel it's 100% a better option than the current system. And for those who are rich they wouldn't even benefit from it because they'd end up paying more than the $12000 in taxes on it. For the middle class they'd get taxed on it as well but still recieve a smaller positive income from it. This would be a system that not only helps people in poverty but also people who aren't quite poor enough to receive welfare but are still struggling and living paycheck to paycheck, giving them the freedom to pursue a more fulfilling life.
a lot things would be better than the current system. doesn't mean they're sufficient.
How do you know this? Like, where is the data to back this up that federal jobs are poor quality, especially when bernie would make sure they are union jobs as well. The amount of people who straight up don't want to work is very small as well, and if they don't want to work they aren't getting any income. So yang's solution would literally just be to give them 12k a month, its not like that keeps them out of poverty lol. You're idea that these jobs would lack "purpose and dignity" is completely made up, backed by nothing.
No, he doesn't tout it as a solution to income inequality. He touts it as a way to end the achievement gap in education, which is a driver of inequality. It's one part of a larger plan to narrow that gap as much as possible. This other stuff you cited here is kind of baseless as well. The average college graduate still makes sufficiently more than non college graduates, and the issue isn't that people are getting degrees and then not getting jobs in those fields. It's that those fields don't pay sufficiently to offset student loan debt and the cost of living. that can be fixed with smart policy, such as tuition free college. You can give personal anecdotes about these people you know all you want, but the fact remains is that the most commonly cited reason for not attending college is either the overall cost of it. Tuition free college and other details in bernie's plan address this, and this will most heavily impact lower and middle income households.
And people want to say UBI is regressive, but ignore that the people who benefit from forgiving student debt are generally people who were privileged enough to go to college to begin with, rather than people truly at the bottom; and people who would benefit from free college are people who would do well in college, which works against poor people.
Uhm, literally everyone benefits from it lol. Yeah it's a privilege to go to college, but guess what the rich kids don't have student loan debt to begin with because their parents can just pay it. And the second part just sounds classist and racist. Poor kids have just as much aptitude for school as their counterparts, especially when you give them the proper funding in k-12 schooling, which Bernie wants to do. You are literally arguing against free college because you think poor people don't want to college and even if they did they would do poorly. I want you to genuinely step back for a second and realize how f***ing ridiculous that sounds. Not to mention, even if they don't want to go to a four year institution, under the propsal, trade schools are free too. Whats actually funny is that yang is propsing a similar FTT to help pay for his UBI that Bernie would for free college. Except the FTT gets us to the mark for tuition free college, i dont think it gets us even 10% there for UBI.
Again, it's not 12k if you have welfare. It's 12k - current welfare benefits. And there is no reality where an extra 1k a month is enough to start taking risks. Also, for some people capitalism does start at 0. Some people have nothing at all. Here is the issue. Yang does not know what the actual problem is (or he does, but it's not beneficial for him to acknowledge it.) He thinks it's automation. He thinks it's that we need a more "humane" capitalism. And he's just completely off the mark. Bernie at least comes very close to diagnosing the issue, and based on his past i'm awfully certain he does understand the system is the issue. all this humane capitalism stuff is just a bunch of bullshit. And I guess we won't even go into detail on how much the average person would benefit economically from bernie's plans.
There are better ways to offset corporate money in politics lol. Idk why you'd support 23 billion dollars an election cycle for that. I'd rather give that money to efforts to end homelessness, which is an estimated 20 billion a year.
I’ll try to remember to respond to this tomorrow lol
But I’ll clarify on the remark you called racist, that the poorest people probably wouldn’t go to college if it was free anyways. My point was 1) People that have already graduated or far along in k-12 in a poor area won’t magically become smarter because college is now free, so they will be at a significant disadvantage. 2) the poorest of people have to start working right out of high school or during school to support their families and don’t have time to go to college.
I think UBI is something that should be rolled out immediately and free college is something that should be rolled out after. More on this tomorrow!