finally its CR and doesn't seem to come with a lot tho but f\*\*\* it we ball i guess
Id do a spotlight on Tatsuya Yoshihara, but idk if I want to talk about Black Clover in any form without getting negative
Might cause he’s pretty good
Re-watching Madoka Magica to get ready for the new movie and this is making me miss Shaft during their golden age so much. So much distinct visual experimentation during that golden age that 10 years later people can still recognize when an anime is being directed by a former Shaft staff member. Fujimoto was born too late because a CSM anime done by golden age Shaft would have fit its chaotic energy perfectly.
@Tranquility r u reading any manga now? any recs?
welp i made an anilist
someone please help with how to use it?
did you use mal before? if so make sure you export your data and then upload it to anilist so all your lists and scores can transfer. also drop the link so we can all follow
it's pretty simple. there's multiple rating systems you can use, when you add things to your watching list you'll get notifications whenever a new episode airs and it keeps track of how many episodes you're behind.
you hover over the thumbnail for the show or manga and click the + to update any episodes you've watched or chapters you've read. to rate something you go the the page for it and click the blue bar that says "watching" or "completed". you can also click the heart to favorite shows, manga, characters, studios or staff and that all shows up on your profile
and then on the homepage is your feed that updates with anything people you follow have watched, read, p2w/p2r, completed or dropped. there's also a global feed where you can see the same stuff but for everyone on the site. i don't think there's too much to it than that
this is mine
Run with the wind
Did u actually watch it bc it’s actually a good answer to your question
Hate to be that guy but my ptw list giving me anxiety..
im just tryna feel something like when i watched clannad or nana
Not necessarily sad but just emotional yk what do yall think
@Tranquility r u reading any manga now? any recs?
Theres also some ongoing manga that im just too lazy to bother adding to my anilist. Medalist is a good ongoing one where the upcoming anime will never do it justice
mid x family is officially back, combining two boring short stories into a 22 minute episode
Started this trash:
I get better trash than your trash if you want to go band for band for degeneracy
I get better trash than your trash if you want to go band for band for degeneracy
Any recs?