i liked
the one about the guy with the big ass sword
cowboy bebop
and others, Im really s*** with remembering stuff sry
Watch Legend of the galactic heries
can someone recommend me some ?
I know some of the big ones
I like stuff with like not the violent stuff, fights scenes bore me to death
Samurai Champloo
You said you don’t like fights but it hits different
I stopped watching hunter x hunter after like season one, would ppl that saw the rest to continue watching?
Damn this a spoiler and a half, I hope he watched the next episode before reading this
lol he’ll be aight
I stopped watching hunter x hunter after like season one, would ppl that saw the rest to continue watching?
Which arc takes place during season 1?
Either way, the answer is yes, 1000 times yes
can someone recommend me some ?
I know some of the big ones
I like stuff with like not the violent stuff, fights scenes bore me to death
Code Geass
Code Geass
I watched a little bit like a year ago, but I lost interest at some point
maybe I will pick it up again
Which arc takes place during season 1?
Either way, the answer is yes, 1000 times yes
like them getting their hunters license
i liked
the one about the guy with the big ass sword
cowboy bebop
and others, Im really s*** with remembering stuff sry
What are your favourite shows/movies that aren't anime.
like them getting their hunters license
That’s probably the worst arc of the series, so I would definitely recommend picking it back up
still no news about that jujutsu kaisen anime
I stopped watching hunter x hunter after like season one, would ppl that saw the rest to continue watching?
Dropping the show before yorknew city arc is criminal
Keep watching b
can someone recommend me some ?
I know some of the big ones
I like stuff with like not the violent stuff, fights scenes bore me to death
I want to eat your pancreas
That’s probably the worst arc of the series, so I would definitely recommend picking it back up
Worst is the one with Alluka
can someone recommend me some ?
I know some of the big ones
I like stuff with like not the violent stuff, fights scenes bore me to death
You jus haven’t seen the right fight scenes b. Watch mob psycho 😩😩😩
Dis thread genuinely can't handle the fact that someone might not like the same show they do
Worst is the one with Alluka
I lowkey can’t even remember that arc so you might be right
Dis thread genuinely can't handle the fact that someone might not like the same show they do
It’s not my fault that ppl itt can’t match my superior taste
@Tranquility I can't deal with Takanashi man, reminds me of too many people irl
@Tranquility I can't deal with Takanashi man, reminds me of too many people irl
Bahahahaa. The director said that Takanashi is based off what he was like when he first started in the industry
can someone recommend me some ?
I know some of the big ones
I like stuff with like not the violent stuff, fights scenes bore me to death
Steins Gate. Season 1 episodes 1-22, episode 23 b, Season 2, then back to season 1 episode 23-25 then the movie. Watch in Dub. That's how good this show is. I'm telling you to watch it in Dub
Who’s your favorite antagonist and why?